2021 November Natural Medicine World magazine

November 2021 Volume 4 / Issue 176

2024-07-02T17:28:21+00:00By |

Natural Medicine World magazine November 2021 Volume 4 / Issue 176 Dealing with the ups and downs of life is always a combination of looking after both what is inside and outside one’s self. We all know that health is not about the inside only… in fact, it is much more about the outside. What we eat, drink, think and feel affects our health. Who we surround ourselves with is critical to our health and wellbeing. Can you afford not to say goodbye to those who have the potential to make you sick?

November 2021 Volume 3 / Issue 175

2024-07-02T17:29:20+00:00By |

Natural Medicine World magazine November 2021 Volume 3 / Issue 175 Some of us survive adversity and thrive and some fall apart spectacularly. Mostly, the falling apart builds resilience. We all have the ability to be resilient to a certain degree, but resilience can also be developed through thinking, behavioural changes and learned life skills. I believe it is your choice.

November 2021 Volume 2 / Issue 174

2023-12-29T15:23:58+00:00By |

Natural Medicine World magazine November 2021 Volume 2 / Issue 174 November is Diabetes Month - What is diabetes? Diabetes is a condition where the body is unable to process and change sugar consumed into energy. Insulin is a hormone which enables the body to convert sugar or glucose into energy. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas stops producing insulin or the body fails to use the insulin correctly.

November 2021 Volume 1 / Issue 173

2023-09-06T18:35:26+00:00By |

Natural Medicine World magazine November 2021 Volume 1 / Issue 173 November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Diabetes is a condition close to my heart as my youngest daughter has type 1 diabetes. Blood sugar regulation is so important and not just in diabetics. See the hard-hitting article by Professor Rashid Bhikha on the link between diabetes and heart disease next week.

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