About Dr Adolf Lowies

Dr Adolf Lowies, BA (HONS), MED (PSYCH), BDIV, HED, PHD (INTERDISCIPLINARY), is research director for a higher education institution in KwaZulu-Natal. He is a registered psychologist with training in complementary medication, including herbology, energetic healing and emotional freedom techniques. Specialist areas of interest are the arcetypal therapy of Caroline Myss and the 'Judas experience' and ‚'Dark night of the soul‚' also known as spiritual emergency syndrome. He publishes widely and is a sought-after coach and speaker nationally and internationally, with many years of experience in private practice and higher education.

Tired All The Time?

2024-10-07T11:12:58+00:00By |Family Health|

Chronic tiredness and fatigue leads to diminished productivity and a lower quality of life. This article explores common causes of fatigue and offers a holistic approach to managing it through nutrition, lifestyle changes, and natural remedies. It highlights ginsenosides in combating fatigue. By addressing fatigue holistically, individuals can improve their energy levels and overall well-being.

Borderline Alcoholics

2024-07-05T13:37:59+00:00By |Family Health|

While some alcoholics are at the full-blown or chronic stage, most are in earlier phases. This article is for those still on the road, the ‘borderline alcoholics’ about to cross the boundary into the dark realm of addiction and heartbreak.

Snoring and the Consequences

2021-12-08T10:50:45+00:00By |Family Health|

Snoring must be one of the most democratic activities on earth, and it allows for absolute freedom of expression. The techniques manifested are varied and creative, from gentle, reassuring barely-there buzzing to high whistles and low growling, or the unrelenting droning of a chain saw. It can be a very touchy subject – those who snore often deny it, and those on the receiving end sometimes feel victimised or harassed by it.

Why and How to Stop Smoking – the final showdown

2024-07-22T16:34:22+00:00By |Natural Living|

'I know all the mind games smokers play, all the defence mechanisms they employ to continue their habit, as well as the frustration and low self esteem of not being able to give up such a bad habit’. Writing from the ‘inside’ with the passion of one who knows, Dr Lowies describes the physical and psychological effects of smoking. He shares successful and practical ways to quit. 

Impotence Can Happen at Any Age

2024-03-06T16:14:01+00:00By |Family Health|

If your erections are not firm enough to allow vaginal penetration, you are impotent. If your erections have the necessary firmness, but only for a short time, you may have an impotence problem. If your erection loses its strength upon penetration, you are probably impotent. If any of these conditions apply to you, it may be time to admit it, and begin to move towards a treatment that can change your life.

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