About Andrea du Plessis

Andrea du Plessis, BSC DIETETICS, MPHIL EXERCISE SCIENCE, is a registered dietician. Following her initial career as a consulting dietitian, she furthered her studies in the field of sports nutrition with a Master’s degree in Sports Science. As nutrition expert, she has a passion for healthcare through nutrition, natural remedies and an active lifestyle.

Food as Medicine

2023-09-16T13:08:56+00:00By |Natural Nutrition|

Can we rely on food to fight colds and flu? The desire for self-improvement and the growing access to online healthcare information has fuelled the health trend of self-diagnosis and self-treatment globally. Functional foods and beverages can be used in place of some medicines. The second most desired functional benefit is immune support.

ABC with Omega-3

2023-04-28T12:26:56+00:00By |Children's Corner|

Nutrition is an important factor in providing children with the building blocks they need for optimal cognitive development, and recent research highlights the role omega-3 fatty acids may play in reading, cognition and behaviour in children.

Beauty from Within

2021-07-20T14:54:25+00:00By |Natural Beauty|

Are we alone in facing the pressures of maintaining a youthful appearance? Certainly not, if one considers the sheer size of the global beauty industry, predicted to reach the R400 billion mark within the next 5 years.

Got to love Lentils

2021-11-29T08:11:45+00:00By |Natural Nutrition|

Lentils are a most versatile and inexpensive food, and so easy to prepare. Low in calories and fat, cholesterol free and a rich source of iron, protein, vitamins, minerals and soluble fibre, they are also one of the healthiest foods in the world.

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