About Ann Gadd

Ann Gadd is the author of Better Parenting with the Enneagram, Healing Habits, The Enneagram of Eating, Painting by Numbers - Art and the Enneagram, and a 10-part children's Enneagram series (Percy Perfect, Hazel Helper, etc ) as well as a number of other books. Ann has spent over 40 years studying a diverse range of esoteric, Enneagram, and psychological interests. Ann is a professional member of the International Enneagram Association, Integrative Enneagram coach, as well as having taught numerous workshops. As an artist she is most known for her quirky sheep series. Ann is also a photojournalist and journalist who has written for a number of publications. Her websites include: https://enneagrams9paths.com and https://anngadd.co.za

Nine parenting styles

2024-10-09T13:10:43+00:00By |Children's Corner|

Raising a child is a delicate and challenging job. It is also the most im- portant job of all as the strength and integrity of society’s future generations are rooted in our very parenting skills. As individuals, we all have different parenting styles and each style has its positives and its negatives. The secret to really good parenting lies in recognising your ‘type’, and being open to improvement.

Children and their Habits

2022-07-09T14:34:48+00:00By |Children's Corner|

How often do you find yourself the centre of unwanted attention in the supermarket, as your three-year-old screams louder than ten vuvuzelas? Ann Gadd takes a look at children’s more unattractive habits, starting with tots who have tantrums.

Dr Beach – how the beach can improve your health

2025-01-16T12:30:44+00:00By |Family Health|

Ask anyone to visualise being on holiday and the chances are they’ll see themselves on a beach somewhere. Stretches of white sand with palm trees and turquoise water have become the cliché vacation when we need timeout. We associate going to the beach as a soothing salve for the soul, which is why, come each holiday, thousands of us head for the coast.

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