Herbs for Women
With concerns over synthetic hormone replacement therapy, natural herbs offer a potent alternative. Dr Brom explores scientifically supported herbs that can enhance women's health.
With concerns over synthetic hormone replacement therapy, natural herbs offer a potent alternative. Dr Brom explores scientifically supported herbs that can enhance women's health.
Understand the impact of environmental chemicals on health. Learn about the dangers of chlorine and fluoride in drinking water and practical steps to reduce exposure at home.
I want to know if there is passion left in you for life, if you still want to watch the birds flying past. I want to know if your heart beats faster when you see a beautiful sunset and if you can still dream great dreams.
It is possible to slow down and even reverse the mental deterioration that occurs with ageing. While supplements are important, don’t forget about lifestyle factors. This article attempts to explain how this complex and precious organ works and suggests how we can keep it working optimally.
Integrative oncology is all about a more holistic approach to dealing with cancer. Removing the cancer only cannot be a cure because the cancer is the end result of a whole chain of events starting with a dysfunction in the system.
When she left and I had a few moments to myself, I recalled the time I had to bury my first child, who had died during birth. I dug the hole and placed the beautiful body of my son into it, and listened to the heavy thuds of the earth falling on the body. It was such a moment of sacredness.
I would like to move our attention constantly to the edges of the known and explore this space which is the creative edge of reality. The focus will be on the nature of ill health, why we become ill and how to manage ill health from the perspective of that edge. That edge is the place where the known meets the unknown and therefore that exploration will often transcend what conventional science can offer and allows new ideas to emerge.
What is inflammation? Are natural anti-inflammatories as effective as anti-inflammatory drugs in the relief of inflammation, and how do they work?
The role of nutritional supplements in the treatment of disease has been underrated by conventional medical training. This is surprising considering the fact that health is dependent on the supply of nutrition to all the cells of the body. Magnesium, for example, plays a role in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body and zinc is required in over 200 enzyme processes.
The controversy around high-dose nutrients continues to be a thorn in the side of conventional medicine and even governments. There are good reasons for this, some of which are understandable. The RDA or recommended daily dose of vitamins was established to identify the lowest dose that would prevent deficiency diseases, but it has little to do with the maximum doses required for optimum health. Orthomolecular medicine has gone one step further, namely to use even higher doses of nutrients for their particular biochemical and biological effects on the body.
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