About Daleen Totten

As the founder, editor, and publisher of Natural Medicine World and Natural Medicine Magazine, I have been dedicated to researching and publishing on natural health for almost 30 years. My in-depth knowledge encompasses all aspects of health and natural products. With a passion for knowledge, I strive to share the work of the brightest minds and biggest hearts in healing. I am also the proud mother of three children.

Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb

2021-11-15T14:32:18+00:00By |Associations & Organisations|

Recognition of Tibb was achieved when Unani-Tibb was approved as the eleventh modality of the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA) in August 2001. On the 14th September 2007, the formal register for Tibb was officiated, thereby enabling Tibb doctors to register with the Council.

The Genetic Testing Laboratory: DNAlysis

2022-08-25T07:40:20+00:00By |Editor's Report|

I interviewed Dr Danny Meyersfeld, CEO of DNAlysis Biotechnology in South Africa and according to him, variations in our DNA, which is the blueprint for our individuality, have a significant impact on our response to medication. Specific genes are involved in the metabolism of pharmaceutical drugs. We now have the test (Medcheck™) to determine the safest and most effective drug available to us.

Back to School with Happy Children

2022-06-22T19:37:09+00:00By |Children's Corner|

School is starting soon and your children are probably feeling excited, and maybe a little sad that summer is over. Some may even be feeling rather nervous and a bit anxious. But going back to school, or going for the first time, can be a calm and pleasant experience, if you, the parents, are prepared.

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