About Daleen Totten

As the founder, editor, and publisher of Natural Medicine World and Natural Medicine Magazine, I have been dedicated to researching and publishing on natural health for almost 30 years. My in-depth knowledge encompasses all aspects of health and natural products. With a passion for knowledge, I strive to share the work of the brightest minds and biggest hearts in healing. I am also the proud mother of three children.

Time for a Pantry Clean-Out

2022-06-05T12:36:45+00:00By |Natural Nutrition|

Every now and then we need to get rid of everything in the kitchen that could wreak havoc with our health. Restock with nutritious foods, beverages and snacks. If you don’t have forbidden products in your kitchen, you won’t be tempted to eat them in moments of weakness.

Tips on Discerning Dietary Supplement Use

2024-02-26T10:54:59+00:00By |Natural Remedies|

Strolling down the supplement aisles at health stores and pharmacies to choose the best multivitamin can be confusing. With so many different brands and varieties to choose from, it’s hard to know where to begin. Given the abundance and conflicting nature of information available about dietary supplements, you may need help to sort the reliable information from the questionable.

Spotlight on Vitamin E

2024-04-07T17:14:37+00:00By |Natural Remedies|

What do we really know about vitamin E’s effects in the body? Vitamin E is the collective name for a group of fat-soluble compounds that exists in different forms, each different from the other depending on their source. Vitamin E has many benefits essential for healthy living. Yet, its antioxidant function is the dominant benefit.

Spotlight on Devil’s Claw 

2022-04-18T09:48:12+00:00By |Natural Remedies|

The herb devil’s claw is a perennial plant, native to southern Africa particularly the Kalahari Desert, Namibia and Madagascar. The name devil’s claw comes from the hooks that cover its fruits and the root is collected when the rainy season ends. The traditional use of devil’s claw by tribes in Africa involved the root being chopped and dried in the sun for three days to make medicinal preparations.

Spotlight on Fertility

2024-01-04T20:29:28+00:00By |Pregnancy and Child Birth|

I am concerned that my husband and I will not be able to have children. We have been trying for some time. Are we possibly infertile? Infertility should be a concern to those who have been unable to successfully fall pregnant after trying for more than one year.

Memory Retention & Supplementation

2024-07-06T12:06:06+00:00By |Experts|

There are many factors that can influence memory retention. In this article we share tips to enhance memory retention, the do’s and don’ts for optimal brain development and using supplements such as Bacopa monnieri, Gingko biloba and Panax ginseng.

Constipation Conundrum

2024-04-09T19:37:45+00:00By |Experts|

I have not ‘gone’ (again) for four days. And this is happening more and more regularly. I feel uncomfortable and worried. When I do go, its like small pellets that I pass with difficulty. What can I take that is natural? I don’t want to walk into a pharmacy and ask for laxatives. This is all so embarrassing. K.A

What Does Progesterone Do?

2023-12-29T10:14:45+00:00By |Natural Remedies|

Progesterone helps prevent osteoporosis in a manner that complements oestrogen/ testosterone. While oestrogen prevents bone breakdown, progesterone actually promotes bone rebuilding by stimulating the osteoblasts (the cells that create the bone fabric itself). Progesterone is the only known natural biological chemical that stimulates the osteoblast activity in both men and women.

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