About David Wolfe

With a master’s degree in nutrition and a background in science and mechanical engineering, David Wolfe is one of the world’s top authorities on natural health and beauty, nutrition and herbalism. With over 15 years of experience, David has guided hundreds of thousands of people to higher levels of natural beauty, vibrant health and peak performance.

The Superfood Aloe Vera

2023-09-27T11:14:40+00:00By |Natural Remedies|

If you want to be beautiful all the days of your life, if you want to be flexible and limber all the days of your life, if you want to have an immune system and nervous system that work well for all the days of your life, Aloe vera is the superfood for you.

Kicking out Candida

2024-12-21T16:40:27+00:00By |Improving Health|

Candida can cause all sorts of symptoms ranging from depression to thrush. Physical and emotional cleansing as well as the correct diet can combat this unwanted fungus effectively. Imagine an unwanted houseguest in your living room, demanding a steady stream of sugary carbohydrates. That’s Candida, and a more unpleasant houseguest I cannot imagine.

The Sunfood Diet

2022-01-25T16:19:49+00:00By |Natural Nutrition|

As the sun is necessary for all life forms it makes perfect sense that a diet based on raw food plants warmed and grown beneath its benevolent rays will fill you with energy, cleanse your body and clear your mind.

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