About Glenn Ashton

Glenn Ashton is a writer and researcher focused on health, food and nutritional safety and security as well as environmental issues. He has written extensively on the topic of genetically modified foods and is considered an authority on the subject. He contributed a chapter to and edited "A Patented World? The Privatisation of Life and Nature," published by Jacana. View his website https://ekogaia.wordpress.com/ for more of his writing on this and many other subjects.

Making your Home a Green Home

2023-02-20T10:11:46+00:00By |Natural Living|

Making your home a green home. A chemical free home. More and more people are becoming aware of the environmental dangers surrounding us as part of daily life. As we become more conscious of the threats we wonder what avenues exist for us to reduce our risk. This article aims to assist you in making your home a safer, greener place and a haven in the midst of modern madness.

Which Milk?

2022-04-30T10:39:15+00:00By |Natural Nutrition|

A recent conversation threw an interesting light on a preconceived idea. A colleague and I were chatting about cow’s milk as part of a human diet, and I expressed the opinion that this milk was meant for cows, not for people. My stance echoed what I had read and learned about milk from both scientific literature and so-called conventional wisdom on milk in the modern diet.

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