About Dr Guy Ashburner

Dr Guy Ashburner BSc(Hons)Ost(U.K.), D.P.O.(U.K.) Before graduating from the British School of Osteopathy, Guy qualified and worked as a personal trainer in Kensington, London. His interest in babies, children and cranial osteopathy led him to complete a two-year Diploma in Paediatric Osteopathy at the renowned Foundation for Paediatric Osteopathy in London of which he is a registered alumni member. His private practice in Cape Town embraces holistic osteopathic principles with focused rehabilitation for people of all ages. Visit https://www.osteogoodhealth.com/

Where’s My Waist?

2024-07-22T16:44:36+00:00By |Fitness Focus|

Most people believe that doing hundreds of sit-ups or abdominal crunches will automatically reduce your waistline and give you a rock-solid six-pack. Wrong! The reality is that you’ll also need to reduce the layer of body fat covering your midsection in order to see those toned abdominals.

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