About Hannah Kaye

Hannah has 15 years’ experience working as a functional nutrition health as well as interpreting functional health tests and nutrigenomic profiles. She obtained her degree in Nutritional Therapy through the British College of Nutrition and Health and Greenwich University in London. She is passionate in her belief that a functional approach to health, good nutrition, and a more natural way of living can improve the quality of life of everyone. She treats all areas of health with a special interest in longevity, nutritional psychiatry, gut health and nutrigenomics. Hannah works both locally and internationally.

Yoghurt and Raw Milk Safety Concerns

2022-09-19T08:22:10+00:00By |Experts|

I recently discovered that one of my favourite (Camphill) yoghurts is not pasteurised. I generally don't eat much dairy but find that I benefit from eating high-quality alive yoghurt. Is eating unpasteurised yoghurt or labaneh safe? Surely one needs to heat milk to clear it from any ‘nasties’.

Optimal Nutrition for Hair, Nails and Skin

2024-11-06T10:29:31+00:00By |Natural Nutrition|

Healthy hair, skin and nails are an outward sign of health and vitality, and their poor condition may reflect many biochemical imbalances in the body. Hair and nails indicate the health of the body 2 to 6 months previously. This means that much of what is going on inside you will quickly be reflected in this organ system, collectively known as the integumentary system.

The Genetics of Weight Management

2024-04-10T09:50:07+00:00By |Natural Living|

According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa, the nation is in the grip of a countrywide obesity epidemic. Somewhere between Banting, The Blood Type diet, green smoothie cleanses, Paleo, maple syrup cleanses and the Holford Low GL Plan, we must be doing something wrong. It is time to face the stats and learn more about weight management.

Fodmaps & Gaps in the Management of IBS

2024-04-10T09:34:36+00:00By |Improving Health|

While dietary changes may be the most difficult to make and implement, the benefit is that they may ultimately offer a long-term solution to a very difficult and debilitating condition. Neither GAPS nor low FODMAP are intended as life-long diets. Once healing has taken place and there has been a resolution in symptoms, the hope is to move onto a less restrictive and nutrient-dense diet. If implemented correctly, they certainly won’t cause any harm and may offer a sustainable solution in a difficult economic climate.

Irritable Bowel or Gut Imbalance?

2022-10-19T21:35:40+00:00By |Improving Health|

Because irritable bowel syndrome has such a wide range of symptoms, the diagnosis has become something of a ‘catch-all’. Before you start any medication regimen it’s therefore essential to rule out other conditions that may be causing your digestive problems.

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