About Jennifer Davies

Jenni Davies (Dip. Phyt. UK) is a registered phytotherapist with a lifelong passion for holistic healthcare, particularly herbal medicine and complementary healing methods. She is passionate about helping others take responsibility for their health in a way that is empowering to them, leads to real health, and is better for the environment. She is well-versed in other natural modalities, including aromatherapy, homeopathy and nutrition. More specifically, she is particularly interested in chronic ailments, mental illness and modern lifestyle-related maladies. She has shared her knowledge on many media platforms, including television, radio, newspaper and magazines.

I Love Grape Seed Oil

2023-10-12T09:16:18+00:00By |Natural Beauty|

Do you spit out grape seeds (in a genteel way, of course), or select seedless grapes? It’s time we realised how truly valuable these little powerhouses are! Grape seeds are packed with polyunsaturated fats and antioxidants such as vitamin E. Grape seed oil is great for skin care, and an excellent and versatile cooking oil. It is essential that you use cold, expeller pressed (unrefined and not chemically extracted) grape seed oil to reap nutritional and cosmetic benefits.

Black Seed – why all the fuss?

2024-01-29T07:00:35+00:00By |Natural Nutrition|

The saying ‘the beloved child has many names’ can be applied to the black, boat-shaped seed – Nigella sativa – as it goes by many monikers worldwide. It is most commonly called black seed, black cumin, or black caraway in English, and it has also been called Roman coriander or love-in-a-mist. It is known as ‘ketzahk’ in Hebrew, ‘chernuschka’ in Russian, and ‘kalonji’ in Hindi.

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