About Jill Fraser-Halkett

JILL FRASER HALKETT, DIP CLIN NUTR was a clinical nutritionist. Her imagination was fired many years ago when she discovered a simple solution to what had become a constant health problem, and her passion to find the truth about the food we eat and what it does to our bodies began. She qualified as a clinical nutritionist and practiced from her home in Stanford, Western Cape, where she also grew organic vegetables.

A Healthy Children’s Party

2023-02-22T18:51:46+00:00By |Children's Corner|

Happily, more and more parents are trying to cultivate good eating habits in their children at home and at school, and are educating themselves on nutrition. This is good news because the shift towards healthier food is becoming irreversible. But what about the annual birthday party, with its tradition of high-sugar foods and loaded goodie bags – how do we cope here?

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