About Sally-Ann Creed

Sally-Ann Creed, POSTGRAD DIP CLIN NUTR (AUST).Having suffered from life-threatening illnesses for decades, Sally-Ann was led back to health through diet and wise supplementation by a nutritionally orientated medical doctor, Dr Robbie Simons. She went on to qualify as a nutritional therapist and presents nutrition courses with her medical physiologist husband Bill. Sally-Ann won the SA Most Influential Women in Business and Government award 2009/2010, and is a member of the Institute of Functional Medicine, USA, and the South African Association for Nutritional Therapy. Contact her on www.sallyanncreed.co.za

Natural Management of Eczema

2024-10-08T11:31:41+00:00By |Improving Health|

Eczema is mostly characterised by small blisters that dry to become scaly, itchy rashes because too much moisture is lost from the skin’s upper layer. This leaves the skin without protection, making it easy for bacteria and viruses to penetrate. Are there natural and effective solutions?

Let them eat fat

2024-07-07T16:47:22+00:00By |Natural Nutrition|

The message that fat is fattening and that carbohydrates are filling is so ingrained (no pun intended), it’s difficult to imagine an alternative. In fact, the opposite is true. Refined carbohydrates are fattening. Healthy fats provide energy and seed oils make you sick!

ADHD and Nutrition

2024-06-14T12:35:45+00:00By |Children's Corner|

Children who are extremely overactive may be diagnosed as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – but how do you know whether this isn’t just normal childhood behaviour, or even due to a physical problem or a food allergy? And if he does have ADHD, are drugs the answer, or are there other ways in which you can help?

Maintaining Digestive Health

2024-07-04T16:33:32+00:00By |Natural Nutrition|

To a large extent our digestive system dictate our quality of life. It can be as simple as that, given that we literally become what we eat, digest and assimilate. If the process goes wrong anywhere from intake to elimination, particularly if a chronic condition develops, normal everyday life is affected significantly. 

Unsurpassed Brain Food

2022-12-29T10:33:17+00:00By |Experts|

What foods are most beneficial for the brain – and what is best avoided? Sally-Ann Creed answers this important question. Sunshine is one interesting source. She also takes a look at the most important supplements for the brain.

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