About Shayne Niehaus

Shayne Niehaus is a registered specialised kinesiologist, aura soma colour practitioner, tissue salt advocate and biofeedback consultant. She will be returning to practice in mid 2025.

Body Piercing from a Health Perspective

2024-05-02T12:28:42+00:00By |Natural Living|

Available evidence suggests that people have been practicing body piercing since ancient times. It appears that some people pierce for cultural or religious reasons, while others do so for ornamental or even sexual reasons. However, has anyone looked at this from a health perspective? Some people seem to cope with metal in their bodies without any problems, but for the rest of us, there's a different story.

The Importance of Touch

2022-07-27T12:39:22+00:00By |Family Health|

Human beings as social creatures, are born with an innate sense of wanting and needing to touch, initially as a primary means of learning and later communication. It is the FIRST sensory system to develop, and continues to function after sight and hearing have failed, thus helping us stay ‘in touch’ with our world.

Kinesiology – the science of motion

2021-11-09T16:54:43+00:00By |Natural Therapies|

We are physiologically designed to maintain a state of balance, but daily stressors challenge this state constantly. It is often believed that medical intervention is the best approach to heal physical, emotional or mental illness, but this can be very disempowering. Specialised kinesiology gives us the tools to revisit the past and bring both body and mind back into balance.

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