Anxiety in Children

2024-07-17T08:14:30+00:00By |Children's Corner|

Discover how to address and alleviate anxiety in children through homeopathy. Learn about common childhood fears, developmental milestones, and effective homeopathic remedies that can help your child overcome anxiety and grow with confidence. Explore natural, non-addictive treatments tailored to individual needs.

ADHD and Nutrition

2024-06-14T12:35:45+00:00By |Children's Corner|

Children who are extremely overactive may be diagnosed as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – but how do you know whether this isn’t just normal childhood behaviour, or even due to a physical problem or a food allergy? And if he does have ADHD, are drugs the answer, or are there other ways in which you can help?

Divorce – can your child survive?

2024-03-21T21:02:05+00:00By |Children's Corner|

Sometimes the Jerichos in our lives crumble overnight. In other instances it is a slow process, where one brick is removed at a time to eventually dismantle a stronghold. Marriages often end in divorce in just this way, and the process overwhelms not only the couple, but also the lives of their children. Walk this journey with Nicolette Ferreira as she explores one of the most profound changes that a child can face.

Communicating with Stressed Children

2023-08-20T10:33:32+00:00By |Children's Corner|

Every child lives out his or her unique life story. Each one is a story about an individual human being on his journey through life, living through countless unique experiences. Inevitably, many of these experiences will be difficult and stressful. It may make a huge difference to his future life if he can share these difficulties with someone. Can we as parents and child caregivers be there for our children and how do we best support them?

Build your Child’s Confidence

2023-06-25T14:03:39+00:00By |Children's Corner|

A confident child is the most amazing magnet, drawing friends, opportunities and success to himself with absolute ease. A confident child is often a popular child, sometimes the teacher’s pet, and often the centre of attention when the family gets together. On holiday it doesn’t take long before a new friend is made. Things just come so easily to him.

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