Top 7 Supplements for Athletes

2024-06-03T12:52:54+00:00By |Fitness Focus|

There is so much information out there on supplements – what to take, how much, who needs what – that it can be confusing to sift through the research and separate the facts from the marketing hype. Michele Vieux, athlete and fitness trainer, helps athletes decide which supplements should be taken.

Get Moving

2023-03-21T08:33:17+00:00By |Fitness Focus|

Exercise plays an important role in all the phases of life, not just until you pass your driving test! Ian Craig gives some good reasons to get moving, and suggests some exercise options.

Thin is Fit – or is it?

2022-04-06T22:19:38+00:00By |Fitness Focus|

Yes, it is possible to be thin but unfit! To maintain or increase lean body mass, you need to look at both diet and a comprehensive exercise programme. You’ll not only lose fat, but experience considerable health benefits.

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