News, Notes and Newsletters April 2024
Indoor plants can purify the air, salt socks for earache, affordable fermented food, the sugar-alzheimer’s link, antibiotic eye drops for newborns outdated, creativity linked to better brains
Indoor plants can purify the air, salt socks for earache, affordable fermented food, the sugar-alzheimer’s link, antibiotic eye drops for newborns outdated, creativity linked to better brains
blueberries for AND, Butyric Acid and probiotics, Dandruff no more, iron and aenemia
Lead in lipstick? Solar flare and its effect on health Top 10 rooibos tea facts Diy toothpaste Curcumin and black pepper combo Grapefruit and medicine interaction
treating tinnitus, alcohol detox, fishing for omega's, no sense of smell, flaxseeds, ADHD, Food addiction, charity, a heavy schoolbag, very first day at school, soy and plant protein sources, glandular fever
Intestinal bacteria and link to Multiple Sclerosis, Intestinal bacteria and link to Multiple Sclerosis, Radiation doesn’t affect survival for breast cancer patients
Cannabis and the oral microbiome, Visiting green spaces deters mental health drug use, Green bananas can reduce cancers by more than 50%, Eco-Friendly ways to keep garden bugs out
News, Notes and Newsletters October 2023: Low dose of aspirin to reduce breast cancer risk?, Muscle targeted nutrition as first-line therapy in preventing frailty, Krill oil protects neurons from age-related degeneration, The link between morning stress and memory, Dementia benefit of the Mediterranean diet – big study, At-home saliva test diagnoses cancer, Huge therapeutic potential of psychedelics, Now, antacids must carry ‘acute kidney injury’ warning, Eczema: Cases among children and teens are rising, Toxic metals found in many popular mixed-fruit juices and soft drinks
News, Notes and Newsletters September 2023: Comprehensive review backs cranberry products for UTI’s, Sleep cycles and health risks, Hope for Osteoarthritis – natural cartilage regeneration, Sinus relief – worth losing your mind over?, Our body predicts meal times!, Sodium fluoride in toothpaste, Salt awareness , Study of intravenous mistletoe extract to treat advanced cancer, Regular laxative use may increase dementia risk by 50%
News, Notes and Newsletters August 2023: The link between butyrate and chronic fatigue syndrome your skin this winter, Pill fatigue: key hurdles in alternative formats, Dangers of cough syrup for the elderly, Did you know about this black box warning? Diuretic pills may not prevent kidney stones, A gut bacteria cocktail, A hibiscus compound may help in Alzheimer’s, A natural solution for cancer, diabetes, and inflammation, Solar panels made from recycled food waste & The link between butyrate and chronic fatigue syndrome
News, Notes and Newsletters July 2023 on cancer breakthrough with immunotherapy and electricity for prostate cancer. A protein and the link with type 1 diabetes. Folic acid and how a deficiency could lead to suicide attempts.
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