A simple recipe – perfect for school lunch boxes or for those on the go.
500 ml (2 cups) cake flour
500 ml (2 cups) desiccated coconut
750 ml (3 cups) oats
5 ml (1 tsp) salt
250 ml (1 cup) pecan nuts or walnuts 250 ml (1 cup) AllBran® Flakes
250 ml (1 cup) raisins
250 ml (1 cup) brown sugar
2 extra-large eggs, lightly beaten
70 ml honey
250 g (1 cup) butter
10 ml (2 tsp) bicarbonate of soda
250 ml (1 cup) dried cranberries
125 ml (1⁄2 cup) sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds
Preheat the oven to 160°C. Grease or spray a baking tray. Mix together the flour, coconut, oats, salt, nuts, AllBran® Flakes, raisins and sugar in a large mixing bowl.
Add the beaten eggs and mix in.
Melt the honey and butter together and add the bicar- bonate of soda. Allow to cool slightly. Mix into the fruit and egg mixture.
Press the mixture down lightly into the prepared bak- ing tray.
Bake for 30 to 35 minutes.
Cut into squares while still warm and allow to cool in the pan.
TIP: If using the cranberries and seeds, add another egg and 30 ml (2 tbsp) butter.
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