Constipation Conundrum

    I have not ‘gone’ (again) for four days. And this is happening more and more regularly. I feel uncomfortable and worried. When I do go, its like small pellets that I pass with difficulty. What can I take that is natural? I don’t want to walk into a pharmacy and ask for laxatives. This is all so embarrassing. K.A


    Modern living, which brings with it a poor diet (lacking in fibre and sufficient fluid intake); a lack of exercise; and a whole lot of stress, certainly does not bode well for the bowel, which, when under threat, bloats, cramps or simply becomes lifeless, often resulting in one of today’s most common health complaints – constipation. If you do not go, at least once or twice a day, it indicates a weak bowel that, if not remedied, can introduce health risks such as raised cholesterol levels, heart disease and cancer. Certain laxatives irritate the bowel to stimulate fluid secretion, causing the bowel to eventually become ‘lazy’ – so best to choose the natural way.

    Make sure you increase your fibre intake to 30 g per day. Flatulence and bloating can occur when increasing fibre intake, but should disappear once your body adapts to the change. Gradually work your way up to the recommended daily amount. Peppermint or fennel tea and caraway seeds counteract flatulence. It is extremely important to drink enough water to keep regular – anything from four to eight glasses. It is probably the best, and simplest, remedy for constipation!

    An excellent remedy is Oxy-Colon Cleanse by Progast. We reviewed this product and found it to be extremely effective. It does more than supports bowel function. It is botanical remedy that assist in the removal of impacted matter from the colon wall. Take two capsules at night for 7 days for a gentle bowel detox.

    Progast colon cleanse

    Consult your doctor immediately if the following are present:

    • Unexplained weight loss
    • Blood in the stool (especially dark blood)
    • Abdominal pain
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Anaemia
    • Any sudden change in bowel movements

    Anyone over 50 should have a colonoscopy every five years to detect polyps (which can be a precursor or indicator of bowel cancer).

    Editor's note: Please read these other relevant articles Death Begins in the Colon and Inflammation of the bowel

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