The last 20 years have witnessed an unprecedented rise in autoimmune diseases, affecting not only humans but animals as well. The reasons behind this surge are multifaceted, with industrialization playing a significant role.
Since World War II, approximately 93 million toxins have been developed using chemical methods that were previously unknown to this planet. The average European is exposed to about 18 000 toxic substances annually, which enter our bodies through contact, inhalation, food consumption, or fluid intake. It is estimated that the average Briton consumes 4 500 grams of pesticides per year from groceries obtained at local food stores. Consequently, long-term pesticide exposure has been implicated in the increased incidence of Parkinson’s disease in England and other developed nations.
Although human life expectancy has risen to an average of around 78 years over the past century, we must question the state of health at which we reach this age. It's widely acknowledged that many individuals are afflicted with various degenerative illnesses along the way.
From an immunological standpoint, autoimmune diseases proceed similarly to allergies. The distinction lies in the triggering agents — while allergies are provoked by external antigens, autoimmune diseases arise from internal antigens. Autoimmune diseases involve the immune system mistakenly attacking ‘self' tissues, which is referred to as immune-toxicity in homotoxicological terms.
A practical definition of autoimmune disease is a condition in which the immune system generates auto (self-directed) antibodies and immune complexes in response to an endogenous (derived from within the body) antigen, leading to tissue damage. Collectively, autoimmune diseases affect millions of people to varying extents, resulting in morbidity and/or mortality. Essentially, any cell in the body can alter its antigenic profile or become carcinogenic or immunogenically changed. In simple terms, the immune system targets tissues it perceives as altered and foreign to the ‘self'.
The immune system's primary function is to protect against external threats, historically involving foreign matter or invasion by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. Additionally, the immune system aids in repairing body damage resulting from injury or disease. However, this intricate system can malfunction due to exposure to various biological and non-biological substances, leading susceptible individuals to develop autoimmune disorders where the immune system attacks its own tissues.
Four potential mechanisms have been identified for the development of an autoimmune response to auto-antigens (antigens originating from one's body that antibodies and immune complexes react to):
- Hidden or sequestered antigens (e.g., intracellular substances) may not be recognized as ‘self'.
- ‘Self' antigens can become immunogenic due to biological, chemical, or physical alterations.
- Foreign antigens may provoke an immune response that cross-reacts with normal ‘self' antigens.
- Auto-antibody production may result from a mutation in immune-competent cells, leading to a loss of tolerance to self-antigens.
Therefore, autoimmune diseases stem from a disruption of information flow in a biologically compromised system, causing the immune system to lose tolerance and mount an inflammatory response against compromised target tissues.
Specific gene sets may predispose family members to develop autoimmune diseases later in life. Abnormal gene sets can manifest as various autoimmune diseases in different individuals. For instance, the HLA-DR3 gene locus is associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjögren's syndrome, Addison's disease, chronic hepatitis, myasthenia gravis, and Grave's disease. In genetically susceptible individuals, autoimmune diseases can also be triggered by viruses, bacteria, sunlight, aging, chronic stress, pollutants, hormones, drugs, pregnancy, and various toxins.
Statistical data from 1950 indicates that chronic diseases comprised about 15% of all illnesses in Western industrialized nations at the time (Sautes-Saeves); by 1995, this figure had risen to 80% (Reiblich). This increase includes the sharp rise in autoimmune diseases. New autoimmune diseases continue to be identified, and existing disease patterns are reclassified with autoimmune origins (e.g., chronic fatigue syndrome, atopic eczema, motor neuron disease, alopecia, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, etc.).
Physiological reactions occur both inside and outside cells. The extracellular space, or matrix, fills gaps between organs and cells, facilitating nutrient and waste exchange and hosting immunological reactions.
Normal cells bear specific surface markers, distinguishing them from abnormal or compromised cells. Immune responses are triggered against abnormal cells, leading to destruction and inflammation, disrupting physiological function and causing varying degrees of discomfort.
Ulcerative colitis exemplifies an autoimmune disease affecting the colon's mucous membrane, characterized by antibody attacks on mucous cells, ulceration, bleeding, chronic diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Multiple sclerosis involves antibodies attacking the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, resulting in widespread nervous system dysfunction.
From a bioenergetic perspective, the immune and endocrine systems constitute the body's soluble brain, pervading the entire organism. Autoimmune diseases are categorized in homotoxicology by impregnation and degeneration phases, involving chronic cellular damage and enzyme blockages.
The interstitial spaces (matrix) of the body become compromised due to toxic depositions and immune complex accumulation, altering immunological reactions and capillary function (seen in various immune diseases like vasculitis).
Complementary therapies aim to restore body homeostasis, complementing allopathic treatments to suppress abnormal immune system symptoms while restoring metabolic enzyme systems and cellular integrity. It is essential to comprehend the matrix's role in triggering immune responses and tissue destruction in autoimmune diseases and to employ therapeutic interventions to restore balance.
Treatment of autoimmune disorders demands a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach integrating conventional and complementary therapies, given their complex and diverse nature.
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