Traveling with Your Baby the Eco-friendly Way
    Traveling with Your Baby the Eco-friendly Way

    Planning a trip with your new family, but concerned about the burden travel places on the environment? Joanne Austin has some eco-friendly ideas.

    When traveling, practice measures that lessen the environmental burden, especially in terms of reducing carbon levels.

    • Firstly, the car – it’s not necessary to carry your tiny baby about in a huge petrol guzzler! A good, roadworthy car suitable for your travel purposes will suffice. For the ultimate eco-friendly choice, the newer hybrid cars perform better over long distances than electric ones. Think fuel efficiency when choosing a car.
    • Travelling by boat or train is slower than by plane, but they are more eco-friendly modes of transport. Locally, you could try out Shosholoza Meyl – their trains go to destinations such as Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and Port Elizabeth, and they’ll take your car along too.
    • Cut down on long-distance trips and consider local holiday destinations first. Make your holiday one spent in nature, at an eco-friendly resort.
    • On scenic or game drives, car pool with fellow travellers if possible.
    • Before leaving home, unplug appliances and switch off the geyser.
    • Plan what you pack carefully in order to travel light. Use natural insect repellants and sun blocks.
    • Baby car seats are lined with synthetic fabric. Buy a naturally thermostatic sheepskin car seat cover.
    • Fill up water bottles and make snacks at home rather than buying bottled water and packaged food for your journey.
    • Encourage your toddler to sample locally produced food rather than heading for the nearest fast-food outlet.
    • Bring your cleaned out recyclable waste home if it’s not possible to find a recycling centre en route.

    Practising eco-friendly travelling is part of an overall commitment to living green, and will help ensure that those wild, untouched destinations remain that way for generations to come.

    Editor's note: Here is another article for your travels: Healthy Eating While Traveling is Possible!

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