Surge training is a newly researched form of exercise that has metabolism-boosting and anti-ageing benefits that far exceed any other form of exercise.
A surge refers to an activity or event that is quick and of high intensity. A glacier surge is a short-lived event where a glacier can move up to velocities 100 times faster than normal. An electrical surge is a very short but intense spike in voltage. Surge training is a form of exercise that refers to a high-intensity spike in energy output for a short period of time.
Research has shown that this form of exercise boosts metabolism and reverses ageing more effectively than any other form of exercise or body movement. Surge training forces the body into an extreme anaerobic state where the vast majority of the energy being utilised is in the form of stored sugar or glycogen. Fat metabolism depends on the presence of oxygen whereas sugar can be burned without oxygen.
High-intensity training puts the body into a state of ‘oxygen-debt’, where fat cannot be burned and glycogen is the primary fuel source. After a typical bout of surge training the body has utilised a majority of its glycogen and switches its metabolic preference over to burn fat. Research has shown this ‘after-burn’ can last anywhere from 24 to 36 hours after the bout of exercise.
Surge training also impacts on our hormones in a desirable way. The oxygen debt and increase in lactic acid as a by-product of anaerobic exercise signals the anterior pituitary gland to secrete human growth hormone (HGH). HGH is considered the quintessential anti-ageing hormone. It is known to help build muscle and bone density, burn fat, and stimulate our immune system.
In addition, it also helps joint function by repairing cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. It also helps prevent and reverse wrinkles by supporting the dermis in the formation of healthier skin. A life-style consisting of regular bouts of surge training, a nutrient-dense diet, healthy neurological function, and good sleeping habits has been shown to maximise HGH secretion at any age.
Surge training has been shown to enhance testosterone secretion as well. Testosterone is a critical hormone for both men and women. Both sexes often have reduced testosterone levels as they age. Optimising testosterone levels is critical for a healthy physique, libido and cancer prevention. New research has shown that optimal testosterone levels are essential for healthy memory and cognitive function. High-intensity, anaerobic exercise that uses large muscle groups is the premier way to naturally enhance and optimise testosterone levels.
- Only takes 10 to 15 minutes daily
- Gives you an incredible pump
- Increases muscle strength
- Increases HDL cholesterol, decreases LDL and triglycerides
- Stabilises resting blood pressure
- Revs up metabolism to burn more calories
- Burns fat while you sleep
- Increases heart and lung power
These are some basic examples of a surge workout for a well-trained individual:
Day one
90 metre sprints:
5 to 10 repetitions with a 1:1 to 1:5 go/rest ratio (In other words: if it takes you 20 seconds to sprint this, then take 20 seconds and jog/walk at a slow pace to recover. This is a 1:1 ratio. Forty seconds of recovery would be a 1:2 ratio, etc.)
Day two
As fast as possible:
200 push-ups
50 pull-ups
50 dips
200 reverse push-ups
Day three
As fast as possible:
100 dead-lifts using your body-weight on a barbell 100 overhead squat jumps
100 stability ball bridges
100 stability ball crunches
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