Safe Yoga at Home

    Yoga is good for you but going to a yoga class with 60 experienced yogis might seem quite daunting, plus you can’t really find the time in your busy day and a daily yoga session at a studio can get quite expensive. So what to do?

    Have you ever thought of ‘Home Yoga’? A home practice allows you to get your yoga in at a time that suits you. It also gives you the opportunity to really listen to your body and do the postures that feel right for you on the day. You have the chance to be your own teacher.

    Do you know what to do? Is doing yoga on your own safe? Here are a few tips to get onto your mat, in the comfort of your home, and be safe doing it:


    We set aside time for gym so why not set up a yoga schedule? Do this for the week. Where possible plan and set the exact day. If you have it in your diary as a ‘me-time-meeting’ then you are less likely to schedule in something else.


    I often say that the hardest part of yoga is getting onto your mat. We make so many excuses, even when we are on our mat our mind often takes over and tells us we are tired or stiff or hungry, trying to convince us to stop. Give yourself an allocated amount of time and do your practice until the end. Even if you are exhausted and just do a few stretches and take deep breaths, you will feel so much better afterwards. It is worth it! Your body (and mind) will thank you for it.


    We don’t all have one hour for yoga and 20 minutes for meditation every day. However if you use the time you do have, be it 15 or 20 minutes, it is still better than doing nothing. Eventually start building up to 30 to 60 minutes. Once you start feeling the benefits, believe me, you will soon make more time in your busy schedule to get onto your mat.


    Have an intention and purpose for your class, for example, ‘I want to feel more energised’ or, ‘I want to de-stress and feel calm.’ Once you know your purpose then you can structure the poses around what your intention is. Keep it simple. The less your mind has to over-think, the better.


    In a class setting the teacher can guide you further into postures that you may not have mastered yet. In order not to injure yourself, when doing yoga at home, always listen to your body and be your own guru.

    It is good to try out a few more advanced postures; however it is not good to feel pain. Be aware of your body’s boundaries and where your vulnerable areas are. Always check in with your body and be mindful of how your knees, ankles, hips, spine and neck feel in each posture. If you are feeling a deep stretch, then great; however if you feel sharp shooting pain then gently adjust, soften and come out of the posture if you need to.


    Remember that you will feel immediate changes such as feeling energised or calm after your session. However, if you want to become strong and flexible and gain the long-term benefits, then being consistent and getting onto your yoga mat regularly is the only way to see and feel changes over time. It is a process. Living the yoga lifestyle is a life-long practice. Have patience. You will notice progress and changes along the way.


    It is easy to try out something new and then get bored and decide to try something else. At that point when you think you want to give up – think of the reasons of why you are doing your home practice in the first place. If you are feeling bored with your routine then change it a little bit, or get a yoga DVD or watch some YouTube clips for inspiration.


    Most importantly, you must enjoy what you are doing. Yes, alignment is important and you obviously don’t want to injure yourself. Nonetheless, don’t get too caught up with, ‘Am I doing this properly?’ Your body will talk to you if you are not. The main point of your home practice is to enjoy it and savour the moments of peace and quiet.


    There are many benefits of going to a group yoga class. You get the experience of a teacher who can adjust and show you what to do, you get the feeling of a community, if the classes are small enough you get personal attention and nurturing energy.

    And yet, there are also many benefits of doing yoga at home. You get to do it in your own free time, you can listen to your body and give yourself a session that is right for you, you can keep that Zen vibe and don’t have to deal with traffic after your session.


    In the end you must choose what works for you. Perhaps a combination of a group class once a week and then home practice for the rest of the week when you can fit it in? Or maybe get a private yoga teacher to come to your home for a session or two to show you a simple routine which you could continue on your own. No matter what you decide, what is most imperative, is that you enjoy what you are doing and that you are getting your yoga practice in.

    As Ashtanga Yoga Guru Pattabhi Jois said, ‘Practise and all is coming.’

    So, the more you practise the more you will cultivate a calm mind, healthy body, and reach that place of peace, bliss and happiness that we are all striving for.

    Editor's note: For more on yoga, read Practising Yoga off your Mat and in your Life.

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