Improving Health
Our experts integrate the most successful approaches to health maintenance, disease prevention and the treatment of ill health. If you have a specific health concern or serious condition, this section is for you!
Natural Management of Eczema
Eczema is mostly characterised by small blisters that dry to become scaly, itchy rashes because too much moisture is lost from the skin’s upper layer. This leaves the skin without protection, making it easy for bacteria and viruses to penetrate. Are there natural and effective solutions?
Max your Memory
Discover effective memory enhancement techniques with 'Max Your Memory.' Learn how attention, curiosity, and motivation play crucial roles in boosting your memory. Explore practical exercises and tips to improve working memory and overcome forgetfulness. Unlock your brain's potential and enhance your recall abilities today!
Adrenal Fatigue Revisited
Adrenal fatigue (also known as ‘burnout’) is affecting more and more people in modern societies. The good news is that this condition can be assessed and treated holistically.
Deep Dive into Autoimmune Disease
The last 20 years have witnessed an unprecedented rise in autoimmune diseases, affecting not only humans but animals as well. The reasons behind this surge are multifaceted, with industrialization playing a significant role.
Inflammation of the bowel
Dr Arien van der Merwe discusses natural treatment options and stress management tools to relieve inflammation of the bowel. This approach will of course alleviate symptoms of any disorder or disturbance in digestive tract function.
Cancer: Causes and Treatment
As cancer rates increase, we need to explore all possible relevant therapies to ensure that the patient is offered the best choices and chances. It is, however, possible to prevent or treat this dreaded disease with an integrative approach that incorporates multiple modalities.
Diabetes – looking for sweetness in life
Diabetes, like high blood pressure, is often a dormant disease which can cause advanced damage before it is diagnosed. It can also cause or aggravate cardiovascular disease (the main cause of death). Diabetes and its complications are the third most common cause of death.
Bone Density and Bone Strength
Bone is living tissue. Like all tissues in the body, it is constantly being built up and broken down. So the bones you have now are not the bones you had ten years ago! If you have osteoporosis your bones are no longer as strong as they should be, and your risk of fracture is increased. However, there are many things we can do to strengthen our bones as we get older.
Nutrients for the Heart
Making changes to your diet and lifestyle is one of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce your risk of heart disease. Most of us know what we need to cut down on (i.e. salt, alocohol, saturated and trans-fats) and out (smoking). Here are some foods you can actually eat more of!
An Integrated Approach to Cancer Management
Integrative oncology is all about a more holistic approach to dealing with cancer. Removing the cancer only cannot be a cure because the cancer is the end result of a whole chain of events starting with a dysfunction in the system.
Busting Flu Myths
Every winter flu myths abound, leaving confusion in their wake. Dr Sandi Nye helps you sort out the facts from the fiction.
Complications of Colds and Flu
A bout of flu or a cold every year helps to detox the system – believe it or not, it’s actually a good thing! If your health isn’t compromised, and you help your body fight the infection by giving it the rest it needs, you should sail through. But what are the possible complications of colds and flu, and what can you do about them?
Nourishment for the Eyes
Your eyes are precious – you only need to have minor eye problems to have an idea what it must be like to face reduced vision or blindness. Jeanne Viall looks at ways to give nourishment to the eyes, as well as the eyes and various life stages.
The Basic Function of a Joint
It’s estimated that there are between 250 and 350 joints in the human body. This number varies depending on, for example, whether you view the skull as one solid structure or consider the jigsaw pieces that fit together to form it as being linked by joints.
Healing your Hormones
Happy hormones are necessary for good mental and physical health. Yet, we tend to rather abuse these special chemical messengers through an unbalanced lifestyle. Dr Ruth Hull explains how you can pamper and heal your hormones, simply and naturally.
Managing Osteoarthritis Naturally
There are more than 100 different forms of arthritis of which osteoarthritis is the most common. This article focuses on how to managing osteoarthritis naturally - its causes, treatment options and preventive measures against further joint damage.
Diabetes and the Heart
Most of us have been bombarded by information warning us of the threat that diabetes poses to our health. But have you ever stopped to consider the strain this illness actually places on the heart?
Kicking out Candida
Candida can cause all sorts of symptoms ranging from depression to thrush. Physical and emotional cleansing as well as the correct diet can combat this unwanted fungus effectively. Imagine an unwanted houseguest in your living room, demanding a steady stream of sugary carbohydrates. That’s Candida, and a more unpleasant houseguest I cannot imagine.
The Dynamic Duo for Dementia Prevention
Are Omega 3 + B vitamins - the dynamic duo for dementia prevention? There are many factors that increase a person’s risk for dementia, such as age, but very few that are ‘disease modifying’. A risk factor such as age is obviously not modifiable. You can live to any age without getting Alzheimer’s. That means that Alzheimer’s is not a natural function of age. Age might ‘predict’ increased risk but it tells you nothing about how to prevent it.
The Highs & Lows of Thyroid Function
An underactive thyroid can be difficult to detect even though it brings a wide range of symptoms, some mild, others debilitating. It is, however, possible to make a sure diagnosis if the complex pattern of cause and effect between hypothyroidism and its symptoms are understood.
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