Improving Health
Our experts integrate the most successful approaches to health maintenance, disease prevention and the treatment of ill health. If you have a specific health concern or serious condition, this section is for you!
Menopause: It’s About More Than Just Hormones
Menopause is not just about hormones. Dr Bernard Brom takes a look at the relationship between the hormones, where and how imbalances can arise, and ways to manage menopausal symptoms.
Combat Colds & Flu Naturally
Winter is here and along with it the usual sniffles and sneezes caused by viruses that carry enough punch to lay us low for a while. Help your body, naturally, to prevent and fight colds and flu.
Death Begins in the Colon
I believe that the source of inflammation in chronic diseases lies in the gut. The now famous quote ‘Death begins in the colon’ originated with the Russian Nobel Prize- winning biologist Elie Metchnikoff (1845 - 1916), who postulated that the toxic by-products of the bowel bacteria are responsible for many diseases.
Inflammation: Friend or Foe?
Physicians realise that inflammation in the walls of arteries is probably the most important risk factor in cardiovascular disease, more important even than cholesterol levels. Processes of inflammation occur in our bodies day and night. Depending largely on what we eat, they can be helpful and healing, or the forerunners of disease.
Natural Solutions to IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
In the list of common chronic disorders of digestion, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) ranks high in the ability to wreak havoc on the sufferer’s social life, occupation and personal comfort.
How to Manage Sinusitis Naturally
Over-use of antibiotics and cortisone sprays has led to more virulent forms of bacterial infections as well as new fungal infections of the sinus cavities. Asthma and allergic disorders often cause chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa, resulting in chronic sinusitis. About 20% of patients with chronic sinusitis may develop nasal polyps, cyst-like growths that develop from sinus tissue and may further obstruct the sinuses.
Stress & Anxiety Accelerate Ageing
Stress and anxiety can impact heavily on your physical and mental health. Ensure your happiness and health by recognising the causes of your stress and implementing ways to rediscover your inner peace. Dr Maureen Allem shares her tips to reduce daily stress.
The Liver through the eyes of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Perhaps in no organ system is the similarity and difference between Western physiological and Traditional Chinese physiology more evident than in the TCM description of the liver. The difference is essentially that of form and function but since the liver’s known Western physiological functions are so complex, it is possible for the Western scientific mind to clearly see the bridge between body and mind that is at the heart of TCM theory. Dr Michael Tierra shares some fascinating facts when looking at the liver through the eyes of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The Microbiome & Internal Balance
The human microbiome, which is comprised of all the microorganisms (the microbiota) that live on and in humans, plays an essential role in determining good health. Microbes cover every surface of our bodies, inside and out. They’re on our skin, inside our noses, mouths, whole respiratory tract, plentiful in our digestive tract, reproductive system, and so on. These microscopic life forms consist of thousands of species and outnumber our own 50 trillion cells by about 10 to one.
IBS – The Internal Struggle
Suffering from pain in your gut and bloating? You could I have IBS. Apart from stress management, there are natural solutions available.
Fodmaps & Gaps in the Management of IBS
While dietary changes may be the most difficult to make and implement, the benefit is that they may ultimately offer a long-term solution to a very difficult and debilitating condition. Neither GAPS nor low FODMAP are intended as life-long diets. Once healing has taken place and there has been a resolution in symptoms, the hope is to move onto a less restrictive and nutrient-dense diet. If implemented correctly, they certainly won’t cause any harm and may offer a sustainable solution in a difficult economic climate.
Irritable Bowel or Gut Imbalance?
Because irritable bowel syndrome has such a wide range of symptoms, the diagnosis has become something of a ‘catch-all’. Before you start any medication regimen it’s therefore essential to rule out other conditions that may be causing your digestive problems.
Prepare your Immune System for Winter
The immune system is key to our overall well-being and when its function is impaired, it usually tends to disrupt our health in more ways than one. A cold or the flu often occurs when immune function is compromised, but a flagging immune system can also manifest in more sinister ways – from autoimmune disease to cancer.
The Truth about Statins
Are statins really the wonder drug they are claimed to be? They do lower cholesterol, but at what cost? It’s important to weigh up the benefits and the adverse effects. This article takes a comprehensive look at the evidence.
Is it a Cold or is it the Flu?
Some of the most common winter ailments are briefly profiled below. To effectively treat these common complaints, you need first to understand what causes them.
Identify and Beat Depression Naturally
Do you feel sad, empty, fatigued? Are you experiencing a loss of interest in everyday activities, do you suffer from insomnia or sleep excessively, have you noticed significant changes in your weight? Do you feel worthless, hopeless, lonely, apathetic and miserable? These can all be symptoms of depression. If you feel this way, the good news is – you don’t have to!
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