Table of Contents
Are There Different Types of Stress? |
Theo Verwey – the Father of NAD Therapy |
Joint Problems in Dogs |
Editor's Letter
Manslaughter Across the Globe and Psychoactive Plants
Let's briefly discuss the contrast between natural and sacred plant medicine, which is often prohibited, and pharmaceuticals that we may feel pressured into taking.
We are all aware of the persistent and lucrative attempt by pharmaceutical interests to overturn the wisdom of the ages – natural remedies and therapies. This allows for (under the guise of ‘authority’) gross negligence bordering on manslaughter across the globe.
We did not know, were not told and definitely did not agreed to glyphosate, fluoride, aspartame, sulphates, various preservatives and so much more. This is exactly what unites so many of us.
Non-institutional medical cures are demonised and outlawed and do not represent the natural flow of life, but serve private agendas. People are forced, intimidated and coerced into chemotherapy treatment, for example – not as patients but customers. The success rate is so atrociously low – how can poison ever offer true healing?
This brings me to the ban on psychoactive plants and as traditional healer Jean Sobiecki calls Phytoalchemy. Phyto (pronounced fyto) in Greek, means plants and alchemy means transformation from one state to another.
He has recently written a book: African Pshycoactive Plants. In my opinion, this is a must-read and the topic a neglected field of research. Psychoactive substances are any substances that affect our nervous system and how we think, feel or act.
Jean apprenticed to a Northern Sotho isangoma, or African traditional diviner healer. He experienced a deep process of African plant medicine initiation that led to fascinating insights into a sophisticated cross-cultural technology of using psychoactive plants in initiation and healing psycho-spiritual illness, between South America and South Africa. The similarities were astounding.
He was led on a personal quest to answer this research question: Are the izangoma (plural of isangoma, an African traditional diviner healer) using psychoactive plants in Southern Africa to aid their trance and healing states, and how does their use compare to the shamans' use of psychoactive plants in other parts of the world?
The findings he made, included an inventory he compiled of over 300 species of plants with reported psychoactive uses from Southern Africa and insights on how psychoactive plants can foster learning, personal growth and healing; as well as the future potential applications of these plants in medicine, healing and conservation.
Jean writes: ‘There are many more plants that require study and documentation. One well known example is Tabernanthe iboga (iboga) from Central Africa.
Throughout history, humans have experimented with consuming plants and have come to recognise those with psychoactive properties, incorporating them into medicines and spiritual healing practices.
Some psychoactive plants that contain psychedelic psychoactive compounds, have become criminalised. Mescaline from the peyote and san pedro cacti, as well as fungi containing psilocybin, is illegal to possess or use to extract their compounds.
A large number of traditional medicine plants from Southern Africa have a range of actions from subtle visionary or dream-inducing actions to psychedelic and have important uses in tribal societies.
We can learn from their traditional uses what possible applications they may have today, e.g., treating common conditions such as addiction, depression, schizophrenia, dementia and epilepsy.’
Our authors receive no payment or any other form of remuneration from us or from the industry. They take time out from their busy schedules to write articles – and then we insist that they meet our deadlines, submit extra references, answer endless queries from reviewers and copy editors, and respond to the letters we receive from you, our readers. Here’s to all of them! May their tireless and tremendous efforts bring them well-deserved rewards.
Yours in Healthy Living
Taking the Ache out of Arthritis Naturally
Table of Contents ↑|Joint cartilage consists of chondroitin, glucosamine and collagen. Nutrition supplements for joint health usually contain these components, so it may be useful to include a targeted supplement alongside an anti-inflammatory diet to support joint health and mobility.
Clean up your Sport – Detox!
Table of Contents ↑|Athletes are not typically a group of individuals that you might associate with detoxification programmes and liver support. Should we be leaving that to the overweight middle-agers who have indulged themselves at Christmas? After all, you are a clean-living, highly fit and healthy lot, aren’t you? Or are you? Surely superfit sports people don’t need to detox? Read on, the answer may surprise you.
Mindfulness Meditation and Addiction
Table of Contents ↑|Mindfulness meditation can free us from the negative emotions that hold us prisoner, thereby helping us overcome addictions. One of the first steps in dealing with addiction is to discover the emotional cause of it, whether it is fear, depression, anxiety, or pessimism. Many times these unwholesome thoughts and beliefs come from what I call the ‘wanting mind’.
Tips on Discerning Dietary Supplement Use
Table of Contents ↑|Strolling down the supplement aisles at health stores and pharmacies to choose the best multivitamin can be confusing. With so many different brands and varieties to choose from, it’s hard to know where to begin. Given the abundance and conflicting nature of information available about dietary supplements, you may need help to sort the reliable information from the questionable.
How to Take Care of your Liver
Table of Contents ↑|Liver therapy and liver cleansing is not just for patients with chronic liver disease. It is for the prevention of liver conditions and optimal health. When your liver (the primary detox organ) is healthy and functioning optimally, your body has more energy to carry out its various functions, nutrients become more readily available, and toxins are removed quickly and efficiently. These functions are compromised by sluggish liver function due to a bad diet, insulin toxicity, side effects of medication, overuse of alcohol and smoking.
Skin Cancer and the Sun
Table of Contents ↑|Few subjects on health are as riddled with myths and misconceptions as the question of the sun and its presumed role in contributing to skin cancer. This intriguing subject deserves closer scrutiny.
Are There Different Types of Stress?
Table of Contents ↑|When I feel stressed, the symptoms I experience are not always the same. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, driven and generally ‘hyper’, sometimes I can’t stop worrying, and at other times I just feel exhausted, or ‘down’ and lacking in motivation.
Theo Verwey – the Father of NAD Therapy
Table of Contents ↑|Theo Verwey, a trailblazing pioneer in the field of NAD Therapy, emerged as the driving force behind the integration of this revolutionary treatment into the medical landscape of South Africa.
Joint Problems in Dogs
Table of Contents ↑|Most of us dog owners have, many a time, watched our older dogs slowly become less mobile as joint problems set in. By focusing on the right exercise, diet and supplementation programme, you can do a lot to relieve your best friend’s pain and discomfort.
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