Editor's Letter
Eye news! Goji berry breakthrough
According to a small, randomized trial conducted at the University of California, regularly eating a small serving of dried goji berries may help prevent or delay the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in healthy middle-aged people. AMD can affect your ability to read or recognize faces as you age. Only a handful of goji berries five times a week for 90 days increased the density of protective pigments in the eyes of the study subjects.
These pigments in goji berries, lutein and zeaxanthin, filter out harmful blue light and provide antioxidant protection. Both help to protect the eyes during ageing. Talking about the eyes, read Dr Florrie Kerschbaumer's introductory article on Iridology. Are you wondering just what else to eat to stay healthy, let us know what you think of The Sun Food article by Dawid Wolfe.
With so many families sending children back to school, it was pertinent to include an article in this issue with tips and advice to make the experience less stressful. Some of us are so tired and it is only the beginning of the year. I think the article on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, written by Patrick Holford, is one of the best on the topic that I have read in a long time.
I just love roses and remember once planting 100 rose bushes in my garden. I have included Debbie Battershill's article Stop and Smell the Roses for all you rose lovers.
We are grateful that we can bring you many more wonderful articles, including one from Dr Johan Demartini on An Attitude of Gratitude. Enjoy the read!
Our authors receive no payment or any other form of remuneration from us or from the industry. They take time out from their busy schedules to write articles – and then we insist that they meet our deadlines, submit extra references, answer endless queries from reviewers and copy editors, and respond to the letters we receive from you, our readers. Here’s to all of them! May their tireless and tremendous efforts bring them well-deserved rewards.
Yours in Healthy Living
An Attitude of Gratitude
Table of Contents ↑|I was born on Thanksgiving Day — my mother, it would seem, wanted me to be a grateful person. One day, when I was about four years old, she sat on my bed, leaned over to me and said, ‘Son, you must always count your blessings because those who count their blessings and are grateful for their life, receive more to be grateful for.’
An Introduction to Iridology
Table of Contents ↑|Iridology has developed over the years to become an increasingly valuable natural tool in learning more about the patient’s health through examination of the iris.
Stop and Smell the Roses
Table of Contents ↑|Roses have the ability to reach us on so many levels. At first glance one might admire their beauty or savour their delicate fragrance, but this is just the beginning.
Natural Solutions to Chronic Fatigue
Table of Contents ↑|Chronic fatigue syndrome can be triggered by a combination of factors leaving you feeling so drained that all areas of your life are affected. Once the causes have been identified, however, natural solutions are available to put that spring back in your step.
The Sunfood Diet
Table of Contents ↑|As the sun is necessary for all life forms it makes perfect sense that a diet based on raw food plants warmed and grown beneath its benevolent rays will fill you with energy, cleanse your body and clear your mind.
Back to School with No Stress
Table of Contents ↑|Do you remember your first day at school or in a new high school? It was likely a mix of excitement and anxiety. The start of a new school year can be overwhelming for children, but with a bit of preparation, it doesn't have to be stressful. Here are ten tips to help parents and children ease into the first term happily.
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