Editor's Letter
Sensuality and Wisdom
Don’t you just love this issues’ cover? I find owls sensually delightful and the idea of their wisdom intriguing. You may wonder what this has to do with health? Be wise in your lifestyle decisions, especially those that lead to sensual gratification. You know what I mean!
Everything in moderation. And that includes supplements. In this issue, nutritionist Ian Craig writes on taking care to balance the intake of our omega’s and Dr Brom gives advice on our supplement needs during all our ages and stages. But don’t let me give it all away here – read your magazine!
Our authors receive no payment or any other form of remuneration from us or from the industry. They take time out from their busy schedules to write articles – and then we insist that they meet our deadlines, submit extra references, answer endless queries from reviewers and copy editors, and respond to the letters we receive from you, our readers. Here’s to all of them! May their tireless and tremendous efforts bring them well-deserved rewards.
Yours in Healthy Living
Keys to a Healthy Pregnancy
Table of Contents ↑|Optimal nutrition during pregnancy is the best way of promoting your baby’s growth and development. While the basic principles of healthy eating are the much the same as when you are not pregnant, a few nutrients deserve special attention. Adele Pelteret takes a look at the ones at the top of the list.
Is it a Cold or is it the Flu?
Table of Contents ↑|Some of the most common winter ailments are briefly profiled below. To effectively treat these common complaints, you need first to understand what causes them.
What is your Reason for Living?
Table of Contents ↑|Many of us struggle with the concept of what is our individual purpose for living. Some of us find our path, while others continue to struggle with a lack of purpose or meaning. What is the relationship between Personal Life Coaching, which seems to belong to these times, and the search for meaning?
Balance your Omegas
Table of Contents ↑|A group of nutrients called essential fatty acids (EFAs), known as omega-3 and omega-6, are critical to our health and well-being. EFAs are the main structural component of every cell membrane, meaning that their presence contributes to the function of every system in the body.
Ages, Stages and Supplement Needs
Table of Contents ↑|As our minds and bodies develop and grow in the early years of life, move through young adulthood to full maturity and eventually begin their decline into old age, each and every phase brings with it its own particular challenges. To help you meet them, we present extracts from a series of articles on health supplements for all ages by Dr Bernard Brom.
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