October 2024 Issue 223

2024-10-15T06:37:51+00:00By |
    2024 October Cover Issue 223
    Inolax Sept 24Pegasus Arthritis & Gout
    Butyrate October 24Hairgenx Oct mag

    Editor's Letter

    In the Eye of the Storm

    Frightened thoughts and turbulent emotions surge through me as I await news from my family, caught in the path of yet another hurricane in Florida.

    Tears and fear overwhelm my helplessness. It is the not knowing if they are safe. I catch myself in a cycle of judgment. I judge my fear, then judge the part of me that judges.

    But I am no longer helpless. Helplessness belongs to the past, to ignorance. I have a choice now. I can be swept away by the familiar flood of emotions, or I can choose to remain present in the moment, where fear has no hold. Fear resides in the past, with helplessness, and in the future, with the not knowing. In this moment, I can be still, and find ways to respond that may bring benefit to others.

    Please join me and hold all those across the world affected by natural disasters in your thoughts. My thoughts are also with all of you enduring health challenges, and I hope these articles provide valuable solutions.

    Yours in Healthy Living

    Daleen Signature

    You are what you don’t excrete

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    Table of Contents |

    This article delves into the ancient wisdom linking food, health, and disease. Digestion, absorption, and metabolism impact overall well-being. Observing our relationship with food leads to the discovery of insights into the role of fasting, physical activity, and the body's metabolic processes in maintaining health, while addressing the modern challenges of digestion in today's toxic environment.

    You and your liver

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    The liver plays a critical role in detoxification, digestion, and overall health. Discover how to support this essential organ through diet, supplements, and lifestyle choices, while learning about common liver disorders and the importance of detoxification.

    Tired All The Time?

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    Chronic tiredness and fatigue leads to diminished productivity and a lower quality of life. This article explores common causes of fatigue and offers a holistic approach to managing it through nutrition, lifestyle changes, and natural remedies. It highlights ginsenosides in combating fatigue. By addressing fatigue holistically, individuals can improve their energy levels and overall well-being.

    Hang on to your hair

    By |2024-10-08T06:09:45+00:00October 7th, 2024|

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    Hair is a very important expression of who we are. It is our crowning glory. It is often the first thing you notice when you meet someone, especially if they have nice hair. Well-groomed, luxuriant, lustrous hair is, quite simply, beautiful and sexy. It can signify youth, strength and vitality.

    Nine parenting styles

    By |2024-10-09T13:10:43+00:00October 9th, 2024|

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    Raising a child is a delicate and challenging job. It is also the most im- portant job of all as the strength and integrity of society’s future generations are rooted in our very parenting skills. As individuals, we all have different parenting styles and each style has its positives and its negatives. The secret to really good parenting lies in recognising your ‘type’, and being open to improvement.

    Perfect Justice

    By |2024-10-10T07:57:57+00:00October 10th, 2024|

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    Perfect justice reigns in a perfect, balanced Universe; and our Soul knows that every action shall meet inevitably with an equivalent reaction. The concept of ‘dysfunction’ is erroneous, for it necessarily implies the imperfection of an orderly universe. Everything always balances. No mortal can improve upon the Law of Divine Balance, though many have tried.

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