September 2021 Volume 3 / Issue 167

2023-09-06T18:31:39+00:00By |
    Natural Medicine World Magazine Issue 167
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    Editor's Letter

    An African ‘resurrection plant’ in the spotlight

    M. flabellifolia is believed to be one of the most ancient plants on our planet, found in central and southern Africa. Its name in the indigenous languages where it grows (Uvukakwabafile in isiZulu, Umazifisi in isiNdebele), translates roughly as ‘awake from the dead’ – an appropriate name due to the speed in which in survives and blooms when the rain comes – after months of dormancy and looking dried out and dead after having lost over 95% of its water.


    According to Professor Jill Farrant, an exceptional researcher of molecular and cell biology at the University of Cape Town, only three to four of the 135 resurrection plants that exist, grow in Europe. The rest are in Africa. Farrant is a scientific advisor to the designer Giorgio Armani. Armani chose antioxidant and flavonoid rich M. flabellifolia, as the main ingredient in his skincare range Crema Nera.

    With trehalose to protect the membranes of skin cells from the environmental drivers of ageing, and arbutin to both prevent peroxidation of lipids in skin cells and inhibit melanin formation, this truly is an incredible skincare ingredient.

    M. flabellifolia is widely used in African traditional medicine for the treatment of coughs, influenza, mastitis, kidney disorders, back and abdominal pains. Smoking it may help alleviate the symptoms of depression.

    We need to learn more about our African plants and ensure harvesting is sustainable. Communities where it is found, and the farmers that grow it, should be remunerated in accordance with its value.


    What a privilege it is to have some of the best healers on our panel! Our expert authors receive no payment or any other form of remuneration from us or from the industry. They take time out from their busy schedules to write for us. Here’s to all of them! May their tireless and tremendous efforts bring them well-deserved rewards.

    Yours in Healthy Living

    Daleen Full Signature Daleen Totten

    The Microbiome & Internal Balance

    By |2024-10-30T18:07:39+00:00November 6th, 2019|

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    The human microbiome, which is comprised of all the microorganisms (the microbiota) that live on and in humans, plays an essential role in determining good health. Microbes cover every surface of our bodies, inside and out. They’re on our skin, inside our noses, mouths, whole respiratory tract, plentiful in our digestive tract, reproductive system, and so on. These microscopic life forms consist of thousands of species and outnumber our own 50 trillion cells by about 10 to one.

    Hyaluronic Acid – the secret to a long & healthy life

    By |2021-09-09T15:55:38+00:00September 9th, 2021|

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    Hyaluronic acid, sometimes referred to as ‘the fountain of youth’, is known to many of us as a ‘hot’ new ingredient in skin creams. HA is a polysaccharide (a type of carbohydrate molecule) naturally present in the human body. Levels decline with age, and supplements are often recommended to treat or prevent ageing-related health problems. It is found in the highest concentrations in fluids in the eyes and joints, and in connective tissue, and it helps the body resist wear and tear. What exactly is it, and does it have other benefits?

    Burnout – is this you?

    By |2021-09-10T14:59:38+00:00September 10th, 2021|

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    The stress we live with today sucks at our very soul and saps us of our valuable energy. I see the effects every day in my practice. I see it on the roads and in shopping centres. I see it reflected in marriages and businesses. I see it in hospitals and addiction centres and at schools. It is a problem.It is time to take stock, breathe and live realistically in order to avoid total burnout.

    From Victim to Master – the power of perception

    By |2021-09-10T14:03:58+00:00September 10th, 2021|

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    While we were taught that our genes (which we do not control) determine our lives, i.e. our behaviour, emotions, character, health and biology, we were disempowered. We are not victims or prisoners of our heredity after all. Instead we have the ability, through the power of perception, to free ourselves and evolve into who we truly are – masters of our own lives.

    Near Infrared Laser Therapy – an overview

    By |2022-12-07T17:53:53+00:00September 14th, 2021|

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    Low-level laser combined with a magnetic field, low-level ultrasound and colour light are four non-invasive therapeutic radiances that can treat a wide range of conditions and bring about overall balance to the body. Near infrared laser is the central component of coMra therapy. The combined application of the four radiances is a veritable breakthrough in non-invasive therapy. CoMra therapy has no side effects as all four radiances are used at much lower intensities and lower recommended dosages (times of application) than with monotherapies. CoMra therapy works well for a broad range of ailments.


    About the Author:

    As the founder, editor, and publisher of Natural Medicine World and Natural Medicine Magazine, I have been dedicated to researching and publishing on natural health for almost 30 years. My in-depth knowledge encompasses all aspects of health and natural products. With a passion for knowledge, I strive to share the work of the brightest minds and biggest hearts in healing. I am also the proud mother of three children.

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