September 2023 Issue 211

2024-06-01T10:28:55+00:00By |
    NMW Cover September 2023
    Pegasus Ad for Pets ALLERGIESProgast Drops Colic
    Sinulex® Forte CapsulesHout Bay Dental Studio

    Editor's Letter

    Is your lifestyle significantly impacting your hormones?

    Millionaire tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson's pursuit to reverse the ageing process has become a captivating journey to follow. With a team of 30 doctors and medical professionals, he has embarked on a remarkable quest to reboot his body. Astonishingly, 45 year-old Bryan has:

    • slowed the pace of ageing by the equivalent of 31 years
    • inflammation is 85% below an average 18 year old
    • total bone mineral density top 0.2% of a 30 year olds and 
    • cardiovascular capacity top 1.5% of 18 year olds

    What I like about Bryan's program is its holistic approach, encompassing elements like a calorie-restricted diet, supplementation, regular exercise, and meticulous attention to optimal sleep patterns. These are lifestyle factors we often discuss and Bryan's commitment to them is truly inspiring.

    His transformation is driven by rigorous measurements, gold-standard scientific protocols, and the relentless pursuit of perfect health. The results are nothing short of astounding, as he speaks of newfound mental clarity, increased sexual function, boundless optimism for the future, an unprecedented sense of well-being, and remarkable emotional stability.

    These profound transformations may not be attainable for everyone, especially in the context of young parents and women dealing with hormonal fluctuations. It begs the question: Is our lifestyle having a more significant impact on our hormones than we realise? For more, read Dr Brom’s article Menopause: It’s About More Than Just Hormones


    In case you missed it, YouTube has implemented restrictions on health-related content that deviates from the widely accepted medical consensus. As a result, we have chosen to incorporate videos from numerous experts who have found that their content is no longer prominently featured by the platform's algorithms. For more on this, read the newsletter here: September Newsletter

    We WILL NOT be silenced. 

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    We cannot include all the news and updates on the latest developments in health within our monthly magazine. This is why we have a section that you can visit to keep you up to date: Click here for September's News and Notes.

    Yours in Healthy Living

    Daleen Full Signature Daleen Totten

    Food as Medicine

    By |2023-09-16T13:08:56+00:00September 15th, 2023|

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    Can we rely on food to fight colds and flu? The desire for self-improvement and the growing access to online healthcare information has fuelled the health trend of self-diagnosis and self-treatment globally. Functional foods and beverages can be used in place of some medicines. The second most desired functional benefit is immune support.

    Detox your Digestive System

    By |2025-02-10T18:42:24+00:00September 16th, 2023|

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    A detox is not as bad as you think! And it doesn’t have to be difficult. Detoxification has been used for centuries to remove toxic waste from the body. It is a safe and proven way to increase energy levels, fitness and weight loss. It may also help prevent chronic disease and slow the ageing process.

    Fall and Rise

    By |2023-09-26T19:44:30+00:00September 16th, 2023|

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    We are stubborn creatures. If we refuse to learn in bliss, we most certainly will learn by amiss. Each trial is a potential stepping-stone to greatness, just as passing each test in school allows a student to graduate to more difficult grades, with increasing rewards for each success. Logically, the student then becomes the teacher for those below, as these lessons are mastered.

    Nutrients for the Heart

    By |2024-01-04T20:53:37+00:00September 18th, 2023|

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    Making changes to your diet and lifestyle is one of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce your risk of heart disease. Most of us know what we need to cut down on (i.e. salt, alocohol, saturated and trans-fats) and out (smoking). Here are some foods you can actually eat more of!

    The Real Cost of the Shirt on my Back

    By |2023-09-19T11:25:28+00:00September 19th, 2023|

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    The textile industry has had an adverse effect on the environment. On the one hand it has created jobs for thousands, but it has impacted, and is continuing to impact, the environment in a negative way. Jasmari Ferreira offer solutions for an industry that is seriously lacking in promoting environmental sustainability.

    Down-to-Earth Hotpod Yoga for Everyone

    By |2024-01-26T09:24:27+00:00September 19th, 2023|

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    Want to join a yoga class but feel completely daunted by the thought of super-supple, lean yogis flanking your stiff, inflexible form during practices? Your worries are over with the arrival of Hotpod Yoga, a new, down-to-earth form of yoga for everyone. Hotpod yoga aims to make you better equipped to tackle de-stressing a busy mind, releasing the cyclist’s hamstring, reviving the partied-out festival goer and realigning the child-bearing arm.

    Nails Indicate Health Status

    By |2025-02-11T07:53:06+00:00September 19th, 2023|

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    Nails are often referred to as the ‘barometer of overall health’. Everything one sees on the outside of the body is a reflection of something going on inside. The significance of nails as indicators of health status has been recognised as early as the 5th century B.C. when Hippocrates first described clubbing (a deformity of the nails) as a symptom of disease.

    The Superfood Aloe Vera

    By |2023-09-27T11:14:40+00:00September 22nd, 2023|

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    If you want to be beautiful all the days of your life, if you want to be flexible and limber all the days of your life, if you want to have an immune system and nervous system that work well for all the days of your life, Aloe vera is the superfood for you.

    SOGA Aug 2023
    Waveex May 2023

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