Movement and Yoga
Ever increasing in popularity, Yoga has become part of everyday life for so many – young and old. Discover the teachings behind Yoga, Pilates, Thai chi and more… Learn a few new moves whilst you are at it!
Change Requires Changing – a basic lesson in yoga
I so often see people attending seminars or reading books on self-help or doing yoga and/or meditation and expecting life to change for them. When does real change happen? Change Requires Changing.
7 Fun Yoga Poses For Kids
On a daily basis children are encountering emotional, social, and physical challenges. Yoga is a fun way for them to learn about many things that will help their overall development.
Down-to-Earth Hotpod Yoga for Everyone
Want to join a yoga class but feel completely daunted by the thought of super-supple, lean yogis flanking your stiff, inflexible form during practices? Your worries are over with the arrival of Hotpod Yoga, a new, down-to-earth form of yoga for everyone. Hotpod yoga aims to make you better equipped to tackle de-stressing a busy mind, releasing the cyclist’s hamstring, reviving the partied-out festival goer and realigning the child-bearing arm.
Do you want to be a yoga teacher?
Deciding to become a yoga teacher is a big decision. Participating in a yoga class where you are receiving the instruction and carrying it out in a focused and absorbed way is very different to standing at the front of the class giving the instruction, demonstrating it and then assisting the students with corrections.
Seva Yoga – giving back
One of the most beautiful aspects of yoga is that it provides the perfect platform from which to reach out to others and give back, enabling you to develop your spirituality while serving others.
Yoga and Anger Management
Like all negative emotions, anger manifests detrimentally within the human body. Stiffness in the muscles, headaches or migraines, acidity, ulcers in the digestive system, and liver problems may be some of the ailments that result. Anger also leads to other negative emotions, for example, regret or guilt.
Yoga & Wellness in the Workplace
With the ever-increasing stress levels and daily challenges we face, it is becoming more and more important to focus on our well-being – especially in the workplace where we spend the majority of our time.
108 Sun Salutations
Doing 108 sun salutations is a strong and powerful experience that will leave you feeling rejuvenated, alive and forever changed. This is because you will no doubt feel extremely proud of yourself, but also connected to the people to whom you have dedicated this practice and experience.
Raise Your Energy Levels with Yoga
There are many different yoga styles, as there are hundreds of various yoga postures. Each style and posture has its own set of benefits and reasons why it is a valuable and a ‘feel good’ exercise for your body, mind and soul.
7 Reasons to do Hot Yoga
When the days are shorter, greyer, and the cold has set in, it is much more challenging to get out of a warm, cozy bed and motivate yourself to exercise. Consider Hot Yoga to keep you active, fit and happy during the chilly winter months.
Yoga for Tight Hips
Many people experience the common problem of stiff and tight hips. Sitting at a desk for long periods of time or doing activities and sports that include running, cycling and jumping can stiffen the front hip flexors and make the outer hips tight. However, having tight hips is not just related to physical tension. Sharni Quinn explains.
Yoga for Cyclists
Expert yogi Sharni Quinn explains how you can get the maximum out of your cycling training, prevent injury and build muscle by adding yoga into the mix.
Practising Yoga off your Mat and in your Life
One of the most beautiful aspects of yoga is that it provides the perfect platform from which to reach out to others and give back, enabling you to develop your spirituality while serving others. When we talk about taking yoga into our lives we are referring to maintaining that ‘yoga high’ – the sense of peace, calmness and happiness that you feel after your session.
Home Yoga – Is it safe?
Yoga is good for you but going to a yoga class with 60 experienced yogis might seem quite daunting, plus you can’t really find the time in your busy day and a daily yoga session at a studio can get quite expensive. So what to do?
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