Natural Remedies

We help you navigate the confusing world of herbs, vitamins and supplements. Remedies include healing modalities such as homeopathy, Ayurveda and Traditional Medicine to address a wide-range of health concerns.
Remedies Every Home Should Have
A well-stocked natural medicine chest, along with a good dose of common sense, is often sufficient to serve most common health needs both adequately and safely.
Various Natural Antibiotics Explored
Every day we run the risk of becoming infected by a bacteria, virus or a fungus. Many people do not know of any options other than a visit to the local GP, who may over prescribe antibiotics, for example. Often illnesses encountered are not caused by bacteria; if they are viral, the antibiotic would be ineffective and unnecessary.
Rhodiola Brings an End to the Stress and Toxin Cycle
The body’s ability to adapt successfully to stress is a hallmark of good health. Substances called adaptogens have a remarkable ability to help our bodies modulate the stress response and adapt effectively. Rhodiola is one of the most well-studied adaptogens, and its effects on human health are remarkable.
Health Benefits of Rooibos
The antioxidants in rooibos are known to help reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Researchers have found that this amazing plant could also help prevent skin cancer.
Spotlight on Sesame
Sesame is one of the most important foods and medicines known to mankind. From the earliest centuries it has never lost its vital place in building health, strength and vitality.
Joint Health – the natural way
The basic function of any joint is to allow for movement. When joints swell, it’s because fluid has accumulated in the joint. Bleeding in the joints usually follows some form of trauma and micro-trauma can occur due to repeated action of a joint, most frequently the wrist, fingers or elbow.
The Benefits of Shiitake Mushrooms
Shiitake is an intelligent mushroom! I’ve said it. Call me crazy but if you were to do the research, you would support my statement. For example, a chemical in shiitake could activate various components of the immune system and modulate its response to fight viruses, cancer, arthritis and even allergies.
Argan Oil – a liquid treasure
Argan oil is one of the rarest and most expensive fixed oils in the world yet it is the current buzz ingredient in the skin care world, thanks to its incredible moisturising and cell-rejuvenating properties. Argan oil is ideal for products such as hand creams, body balms and lotions, and regenerative creams for around the eyes. Argan is not greasy and is even safe for baby skin, and for those with sensitive skin. It can be used in any cosmetic product as an active principle or as a carrier in the oily phase, without any proportion limit.
Ayahuasca – Spirit Plant Medicine Divine
The name Ayahuasca means ‘vine of the soul’. Long used in religious and healing ceremonies by the shamans of the Western Amazonian tribes, the plant has hallucinatory and visionary effects and stimulates powerfully transcendent experiences. Laura Jones tells about her journey to Peru in search of healing.
Balance your Omegas
A group of nutrients called essential fatty acids (EFAs), known as omega-3 and omega-6, are critical to our health and well-being. EFAs are the main structural component of every cell membrane, meaning that their presence contributes to the function of every system in the body.
Magnesium – the understated mineral
Magnesium is thought to combat fatigue because it helps release energy in the body. It also plays a role in the production of melatonin, which helps to regulate sleep; this production is disturbed when levels of magnesium are insufficient. As well as being helpful in treating fatigue and insomnia, magnesium plays a role in preventing and treating a host of other common ailments from the premenstrual syndrome (PMS) to heart problems.
Spotlight on Ginkgo Biloba
The Ginkgo biloba tree species has been around unchanged for about 150 million years. That’s a long time, and the fact that it has survived unchanged perhaps suggests that it has powerful internal survival mechanisms which have been perfected very early on despite changing environmental factors over this time. Specimens more than a thousand years old have been reported in China, Korea and Japan.
Maca – ancient superfood
Ancient Inca warriors believed that eating maca before going into battle would give them outstanding strength, and the stamina to continue fighting long after their enemy had given up. Studies today have proved the incredible nutritional properties of maca.
Probiotics and Their Conversations in Our Bodies
We are less than 1% human, if you factor in that more than 99% of the DNA contained within us belongs not to us, but to the microbes which we effectively host. The microbiome was only discovered in 2010! And it is not just a colony of good bacteria (gut microflora) but a complex organ that is responsible for the development and function of all the other organs and systems, from our brain to the immune system.
Product Review – Progast® Multi-targeted Action Drops
Nearly everyone experiences some sort of gastrointestinal discomfort at some point or another. Digestive diseases range from common digestive disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), to serious, life-threatening diseases. According to a study by Halder, out of the Mayo Clinic, one in three individuals have a digestive disorder.
Liver Cleansing Herbs
The liver is the largest organ in the body and functions as an enormous filter and detoxification centre. It is also involved in the metabolism of a range of essential nutrients required by the body such as specific proteins and bile acids.
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