Natural solutions to ease colic in crying babiescrying baby colic
    crying baby coliccrying baby colic cot
    crying baby colic cotNatural solutions to ease colic in crying babies

    The term colic is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘in relation to the colon’.

    Infantile colic is a very common disorder, defined as distress or crying in an otherwise healthy infant that lasts for more than 3 hours a day, 3 or more days a week, for at least 3 weeks.

    Bouts of screaming, excessive crying or irritability are common expressions of colic with tummy distension, excessive or trapped gas, clenched fists, and facial expressions indicating pain. In this article we will look at natural solutions to colic. The cause of colic is unknown, and there is unlikely to be one cause. Experts tend to agree on some of the main causes: food sensitivities linked to a mother’s breast milk or a baby’s formula, gastro-intestinal tract immaturity, reflux and overstimulation. According to the American Academy of Paediatrics, colic affects more boys than girls, and around a fifth of all babies between the ages of two and four weeks. Apart from paying special attention to the right quantity of food, feeding and burping techniques, and ensuring that your baby is getting enough sleep, the following solutions may be helpful.


    Complementary therapies have taken a major position in the treatment of colic. Anticholinergic medications are not effective and can have serious adverse effects (like breathing difficulties and seizures) and so should not be recommended.

    Tissue salts numbers 8 (an anti-spasmodic) and 10 (to ease pains from acidity and reflux), can be crushed and dissolved in a little water. Simply give a spoonful to your baby just before a feed and after and then as needed.

    Herbal medicine has a long history among many cultures for digestive complaints. Useful herbs for colic are German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis). Prescribing herbal medicine to infants requires specialised experience and should be left to a trained herbalist. Alternatively, try a formula specifically formulated for digestive complaints and safe for children, such as ProgastTM Gastrointestinal Drops. Always dilute in water and adhere to the recommended dosage.

    Research shows that colicky babies have more gas-producing bacteria than non-colicky infants who have more anti-inflammatory bacteria that live in the vaginally canal. Vaginally delivery carry these health benefits, but all is not lost. Research1 shows that liquid probiotics can be placed on the nipple or babies’ lips before feeding.

    There are several herbal teas a breastfeeding mom can drink, such as fennel, dill and chamomile tea. Do not give it directly to the baby.

    Visit a qualified homeopath for a homeopathic remedy in tincture or pill form (that can be crushed and diluted in water) specifically chosen according to your baby’s symptoms. Belladonna for example, is a homoeopathic remedy for colicky pains that start and disappear suddenly. It is recommended if your baby tends to bend backwards in pain.

    Osteopathy and chiropractic treatments are noninvasive therapies that may be effective. Structural restrictions during birth, frequently manifest as colic in a baby.

    Progast Multi Action Drops


    Foods eaten by the mother may cause or aggravate colic in a breastfed baby. Some common triggers include gluten, refined carbohydrates, dairy, eggs, citrus fruits, bananas, onions, garlic, mushrooms, legumes, pulses, beans, cucumbers, chocolate, coffee, fizzy drinks, spicy foods and nightshades (aubergines, potatoes, tomatoes and peppers). Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussel sprouts are gas-forming foods should be avoided.

    Create an environment of comfort, calm and relaxation. Keep sensory stimulation to a minimum before and during a feed. Holding or carrying the baby in a sling close to the body (skin on skin contact), has shown to relax the baby. Some babies respond well to being wrapped tightly, especially while being rocked. Don’t wrap the baby too tightly and allow the hips to be flexed. Swaddle safely and avoid overheating. Use tiny swinging movements, always supporting your baby’s head and neck. Suckling can also help. Let your baby suckle on your breast, clean finger or a pacifier.

    The steady rhythm of any kind of movement (pram or car) can be soothing. Try a warm bath or a gentle baby massage. Be sure when massaging on the tummy area, to make movements in a clockwise direction (the direction of the large intestine) to relieve trapped gas.

    Waveex Listing

    Regular nappy changes, really focusing on burping techniques to try and get the wind out and adding a natural remedy of your choice to assist in the symptomatic relief of gastrointestinal discomfort, may bring some much-needed relief. Making a shushing, or ‘shhhhh’, sound has helped many babies to calm down.

    It is very distressing to not be able to console your screaming baby. Take deep calming breaths throughout and keep telling yourself that this phase will pass. Despite the distress and discomfort, babies suffering with colic are usually gaining weight, healthy in all other respects and will grow out of the colicky stage eventually.

    crying baby colic

    Colic babies can affect the sanity of the entire household and are at risk of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Recognise when you can’t cope and if you feel you are at risk of losing it, stop what you are doing immediately. Give your baby to your partner or even just put her in her cot and take some time to calm down. Walk away to the next room or outside. Only return when you have regained your composure and are able to comfort your baby.

    crying baby colic


    1. de Weerth C et al. Intestinal Microbiota of Infants With Colic: Development and Specific Signatures. January 2013; Pediatrics.

    Editor’s note: To read more on colic, see an Osteopath's view on natural solutions for a baby with colic.

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