Natural Therapies
There are so many practical ways to strengthen the body, clarify the mind and open the heart. Explore pursuits and practices that may assist you to achieve physical and emotional balance.
Detoxification and Heavy Metal Toxicity
Heavy Metal Toxicity and Detoxification has been disregarded by Western biomedicine. Amalgams in teeth can be significant sources of mercury and displace zinc, disrupting its many biological functions. Here we share Dr Klinghardt’s Heavy Metal Detox Protocol using wild garlic, chlorella and cilantro.
Oxygen and Alzheimer's Disease
Is there anything that can prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease? Professor Ali believes that there is, and outlines the causes of brain toxicity and the role of oxystatic therapy.
Ancient Healing Practices
The resurgence of ancient healing practices like Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, challenge modern approaches with their holistic and naturalistic methods. Discover how these age-old techniques are becoming integral to contemporary healthcare.
Healing Waters: The Power of Hydrotherapy
Experience the benefits of hydrotherapy. Explore how water therapy can treat various conditions, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being.
Huna – the Secret of Knowledge
What began as learning an amazing massage technique called Kahuna or Lomi Lomi massage has evolved into a fascination with the spiritual knowledge of ancient Hawaii. Applying this knowledge in my daily life has led to numerous personal transformations.
How Did Energy Medicine Come About?
Energy or bioenergetic medicine refers to therapies that use an energy field – electrical, magnetic, sonic or acoustic – to screen for or treat health conditions by detecting imbalances in the body’s energy fields and then correcting them.
Neurosoma – a quantum leap in treating muscle pain
Most of us experience muscle spasm, whether mild or debilitating, at some stage of our lives. For a few of us these symptoms disappear (or we think they do), while others become so accustomed to the ache and discomfort that they forget what it feels like to get up in the morning with the freedom of painless mobility.
Chiropractic for Children
Why is chiropractic useful in the treatment of conditions that seem unrelated to the spine, such as middle-ear infections or colic in babies? Most chiropractors recommend that a child should have a chiropractic adjustment as soon as possible after birth.
The Essence of the Alexander Technique
The essence of the Alexander Technique lies in awareness of the postural relationship between the head, neck and back so that this natural state of balance brings about movement with minimal effort and allows for general poise and ease.
Physiognomy – every face tells a story
Facial reading, physiognomy or personology can be defined as the relationship between one’s physical features and one’s instinctive behaviour, personality, character, ability and potential, based upon our genetic blueprint and physical neurological cell proportion.
Art and Health
For thousands of years, people have searched for the meaning and beauty of life in music, painting, poetry and other arts. Now scientists are finding that the arts can benefit both your mental and physical health.
The Bowen Technique
The Bowen Technique is a simple and powerful therapy that helps relieve all kinds of pain, so gentle that it can be used on anyone, from newborn infants to the elderly.
Music can Improve Sleep Quality
Can music be the secret to a good night’s sleep? The research says ‘yes’: slow, soothing rhythms can rock us into a relaxed state that invites sleep – a far better approach to taking a potentially addictive sleeping pill.
Footology ‒ a dream come true
Our foot features represent our life story. Lines, wrinkles, calluses, discolourations, swellings and indents are imprints of our emotional world – of the paths we have wandered and the experiences gained along the road. The feet convey a fascinating and unique message for the footologist and the client to share.
Gemmotherapy – the wisdom of buds
Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but gemmotherapy has nothing to do with gems or gemstone therapy. The name comes from the word ‘gemma’, which derives from the Latin for ‘bud’. The wisdom of buds.
Rolfing – structural integration
Rolfing - structural integration, is organising and integrating the human body in gravity promotes wellbeing. Among the various systems of manipulation and somatic education, Rolfing is unique in its focus and goals in that it aims to align and organise the body in gravity.
How to Take Care of your Liver
Liver therapy and liver cleansing is not just for patients with chronic liver disease. It is for the prevention of liver conditions and optimal health. When your liver (the primary detox organ) is healthy and functioning optimally, your body has more energy to carry out its various functions, nutrients become more readily available, and toxins are removed quickly and efficiently. These functions are compromised by sluggish liver function due to a bad diet, insulin toxicity, side effects of medication, overuse of alcohol and smoking.
A Participatory Approach to Cancer Therapy
Do the mind and the emotions influence the development of cancer? Can the mind be harnessed to help fight cancer? Dr Goldberg explores the impact of the psycho-spiritual on both the development and treatment of cancer. When cancer patients learn to take full responsibility for their own healing and to participate in their healing transformation, the outcome of their illness can be shifted significantly.
Music as Therapy for Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson’s disease is a long-term degenerative neurological disorder of the central nervous system that mainly affects the motor system. Music can provide therapeutic benefit to enhance movement and mood in people living with Parkinson’s disease.
Introducing Aromatherapy Essential Oils
Essential oils can be extracted from many different parts of plants – for example flowers, fruit and rind, leaves and grasses, seeds and berries, bark and wood, roots and rhizomes, as well as gum and resin exudates. Each has its own unique aromatic, and chemical, profile that may determine its specific or general application.
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