Natural Therapies

There are so many practical ways to strengthen the body, clarify the mind and open the heart. Explore pursuits and practices that may assist you to achieve physical and emotional balance.
Meta-aromatherapy is basically a combination treatment using essential oils, massage and touch techniques, coupled with hypnotherapy and psychophonetic-type counseling.
Alternative Pain Therapies: are they realistic?
Pain is a symptom, often a very strong symptom. It is a personal experience, and is influenced by all that we have learned and experienced, culturally and in our upbringing. While pharmaceutical drugs are powerful and can provide rapid pain relief, they often have side-effects when used in the long term. Dr David Nye describes some alternative therapies.
Bach Flower Essences and Tissue Salts relate to Astrology
The ‘Treasury of the Invisible’ in the quotation refers to the ‘Divine Order’ where the archetypes of all manifestation are to be found. It also refers to the vertical causes in contrast to the horizontal causes with which the ordinary physician is concerned. As we know, natural medicine, just like astrology, is concerned with the vertical causes – ‘the inter relation between the domains of the spirit, the soul and the body’.
An Introduction to Iridology
Iridology has developed over the years to become an increasingly valuable natural tool in learning more about the patient’s health through examination of the iris.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), aka tapping, is a type of energy psychology intervention which unites Western clinical methods (exposure therapy and cognitive restructuring) with Eastern healing practices of acupressure to improve emotional and physical health.
Essential Oils in Health & Healing
Although essential oil use has a very long history, it is only recently that it has emerged as a highly effective therapeutic tool – not only having an effect on the body, but also influencing the emotions and the mind. What are the areas in which these oils can be used, and who should one consult for advice and guidance?
Indian Head Massage
Indian Head Massage has been tried and tested over thousands of years in the laboratory of life. In earlier times it was sought after by maharajas and shahs, gurus and saints. Today it is as popular as it was then. It is part of everyday life in India, and it is precisely through its lack of pretension that it weaves its magic. The editorial team approached three different practitioners for an overall perspective of this treatment.
An Introduction to Tibb – a system of medicine with a rich history
Tried and tested, with a harmonious blend of science and personal caring, Tibb’s holistic approach to healthcare focuses on education and stresses the importance of empowering individuals to take responsibility for their health and well-being.
Kinesiology – the science of motion
We are physiologically designed to maintain a state of balance, but daily stressors challenge this state constantly. It is often believed that medical intervention is the best approach to heal physical, emotional or mental illness, but this can be very disempowering. Specialised kinesiology gives us the tools to revisit the past and bring both body and mind back into balance.
Oil Pulling – a health-enhancing practice
Oil pulling is a simple and relatively inexpensive treatment that effectively combats yucky bacteria lurking in the mouth and simultaneously strengthens gums and whitens teeth. It is reputed to resolve a wide array of health imbalances and ailments – without side effects. Dr Bruce Fife describes how, for example, the therapy is used to address nasal sinus problems. According to Fife, ‘all disease starts in the mouth’, since mouths reflect the status of internal health. He postulates that oil pulling could therefore be the solution for a wide range of conditions.
Energy Psychology for Depression
I was one of those people who didn’t really think that the dark cloud that had always hung over my life and constant thoughts of suicide was depression. Even after a suicide attempt, I never realised I was depressed. The sad truth for many people is that if depression has always been a part of your mental state, it feels normal!
Acudetox for Addiction
Drug abuse knows no bounds – it wreaks havoc in the lives of both substance abusers and their families, leaving broken minds, souls and hearts in its wake. A supportive natural modality, known as Acudetox, is available to release sufferers from the grips of their addiction.
Near Infrared Laser Therapy – an overview
Low-level laser combined with a magnetic field, low-level ultrasound and colour light are four non-invasive therapeutic radiances that can treat a wide range of conditions and bring about overall balance to the body. Near infrared laser is the central component of coMra therapy. The combined application of the four radiances is a veritable breakthrough in non-invasive therapy. CoMra therapy has no side effects as all four radiances are used at much lower intensities and lower recommended dosages (times of application) than with monotherapies. CoMra therapy works well for a broad range of ailments.
A Window into our Inner World – Live Blood Analysis
You stare in awe at the blood cells floating lazily across the screen in front of you. The background looks like the Milky Way, occasionally studded with sparkling ‘moon rocks’. The eeriness of the scene belies the truths to be revealed about your health. This is live blood analysis.
The Chakras and Energy Healing
The origins of the ancient science of energy healing are rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism, and date back to the time of the Vedas, four holy books that Hindus believe emerged between 1500 and 1200 BC. All matter is made up of energy, and any deviation from the normal frequency will change the energy levels of the organ or part of the body.
Steps to Recovering from Addiction
Substance and alcohol abuse have a highly destructive effect on both the abuser and his/her close friends and family. Addiction, however, does not have to ruin lives indefinitely – there are steps that can be taken to recovery.
Unlock Tension with Body Stress Release
Body Stress Release is a gentle yet precise wellness technique that is safe and suitable for people of all ages and in all states of health. It releases stress locked in the body and enhances the body’s communication and co-ordinating abilities. John and Colleen Beck tell us how it works ...
Paediatric Cranial Osteopathy – a gentle therapy
Paediatric Cranial Osteopathy is based on the idea that the body works best when it moves as nature intended. Osteopaths are trained to assess and treat musculoskeletal stress and strain in the body.
Detox with the Docs
Explore the comprehensive guide to detoxification by Drs. David and Sandi Nye. Learn about the biology of detoxification, key principles, and a 4-week metabolic detox plan to rejuvenate your body and shed sluggishness.
The Value of Life Coaching
‘The area where we experience our greatest discomfort is also the area where we can potentially grow the most.’ Editor Daleen Totten explores Arjan Bogaers’ insightful words in an interview with him where he explains how time spent with a life coach can bring personal enrichment.
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