Mindfulness Meditation and Addiction

2024-02-27T08:26:13+00:00By |Mind, Body, Soul|

Mindfulness meditation can free us from the negative emotions that hold us prisoner, thereby helping us overcome addictions. One of the first steps in dealing with addiction is to discover the emotional cause of it, whether it is fear, depression, anxiety, or pessimism. Many times these unwholesome thoughts and beliefs come from what I call the ‘wanting mind’.

Acudetox for Addiction

2021-09-22T19:31:37+00:00By |Natural Therapies|

Drug abuse knows no bounds – it wreaks havoc in the lives of both substance abusers and their families, leaving broken minds, souls and hearts in its wake. A supportive natural modality, known as Acudetox, is available to release sufferers from the grips of their addiction.

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