Detox Can Reduce Inflammation

2024-12-30T14:24:25+00:00By |Experts|

Detox can help reduce inflammation and enhance your health. Learn about the liver's detoxification role, signs of high toxic load, and follow a 9-day detox plan to rejuvenate your body. Boost your well-being with essential nutrients and natural anti-inflammatory supplements.

Detox your Digestive System

2023-09-27T09:54:12+00:00By |Experts|

A detox is not as bad as you think! And it doesn’t have to be difficult. Detoxification has been used for centuries to remove toxic waste from the body. It is a safe and proven way to increase energy levels, fitness and weight loss. It may also help prevent chronic disease and slow the ageing process.

New Year New You

2025-01-11T11:04:46+00:00By |Natural Living|

Detoxing has been practiced for millennia and is all the more important today as we live in an increasingly toxic environment. Choose a detox programme to suit yourself and start your new year clean.

Castor Oil and It’s Role in Detox

2024-06-24T09:39:39+00:00By |Natural Remedies|

Castor-Cise is Professor Ali’s integrated programme of liver and bowel detox with topical castor oil application, oral detox with vigorous sesame oil rinses, and limbic (meditative) exercise. Patients commonly report marked benefits from the programme and often ask how castor oil works.

How to Take Care of your Liver

2024-07-22T12:28:48+00:00By |Natural Therapies|

Liver therapy and liver cleansing is not just for patients with chronic liver disease. It is for the prevention of liver conditions and optimal health. When your liver (the primary detox organ) is healthy and functioning optimally, your body has more energy to carry out its various functions, nutrients become more readily available, and toxins are removed quickly and efficiently. These functions are compromised by sluggish liver function due to a bad diet, insulin toxicity, side effects of medication, overuse of alcohol and smoking.

Clean up your Sport – Detox!

2024-10-28T13:16:10+00:00By |Fitness Focus|

Athletes are not typically a group of individuals that you might associate with detoxification programmes and liver support. Should we be leaving that to the overweight middle-agers who have indulged themselves at Christmas? After all, you are a clean-living, highly fit and healthy lot, aren’t you? Or are you? Surely superfit sports people don’t need to detox? Read on, the answer may surprise you.

Product Review – Progast® Colon Cleanse

2024-03-06T19:10:25+00:00By |Product Reviews, Remedies - PR|

A healthy bowel eliminates waste effortlessly and odourlessly once or twice a day. The bowel is forgiving, not forgetful. It is tolerant, but to a point. Its vocabulary is limited; when insulted, it bloats, cramps, screams, or becomes lifeless. When the offence continues, it ulcerates and bleeds. Progast Colon Colon tablets will get things moving - naturally.

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