Does Cholesterol Help the Elderly Live Longer?
Does cholesterol protect the elderly from heart attacks? Does cholesterol protect the elderly from strokes? Does cholesterol save the elderly from hospitalisation for infections?
Does cholesterol protect the elderly from heart attacks? Does cholesterol protect the elderly from strokes? Does cholesterol save the elderly from hospitalisation for infections?
According to the Danish Twin Study, only about 10% of the length of an average person’s life is dictated by our genes. The other 90% is determined by our lifestyle. So, in theory, if we can come up with the optimal formula for a good lifestyle, we can come up with the formula for longevity.
A certain amount of oxidative stress is needed for adaptation to the exercise and adaptation to life. BUT, if this oxidative stress is excessive for a prolonged period, it becomes damaging to the body and potentially impacts the ageing process.
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