Product Review – Progast® Colon Cleanse

2024-03-06T19:10:25+00:00By |Product Reviews, Remedies - PR|

A healthy bowel eliminates waste effortlessly and odourlessly once or twice a day. The bowel is forgiving, not forgetful. It is tolerant, but to a point. Its vocabulary is limited; when insulted, it bloats, cramps, screams, or becomes lifeless. When the offence continues, it ulcerates and bleeds. Progast Colon Colon tablets will get things moving - naturally.

The difference between prebiotics & probiotics

2024-07-28T08:47:45+00:00By |Experts|

There is some confusion about the difference between pre- and probiotics. There are 400 – 500 types of bacteria in the digestive tract, each of which has many strains, with a total of one hundred trillion bacteria and a weight of about 2 kg (about the size of the liver). Just imagine the chaos created by a course of antibiotics!

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