Stress Strategies

2025-02-11T08:07:52+00:00By |Natural Living|

Stess can be positive or negative. When stress sparks personal achievement or life enjoyment and appreciation (positive stress), it helps us feel enthusiastic, creative, productive and motivated. But stress can easily spiral out of control, becoming overwhelming and negative distress, taking its toll on our physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

2022-05-26T12:24:56+00:00By |Experts|

High cholesterol does not cause heart attacks. The main causes of a heart attack are stress combined with inflammation. Inflammation of the arteries causes rough patches, which then allows the cholesterol to stick to these, resulting in atheroma plaques. When severe stress is experienced, the compromised artery may narrow due to spasm, which blocks the blood flow, which leads to a heart attack.

Unlock Tension with Body Stress Release

2022-10-19T19:04:58+00:00By |Natural Therapies|

Body Stress Release is a gentle yet precise wellness technique that is safe and suitable for people of all ages and in all states of health. It releases stress locked in the body and enhances the body’s communication and co-ordinating abilities. John and Colleen Beck tell us how it works ...

Does Exercise Age Us ?

2021-05-22T23:19:10+00:00By |Fitness Focus|

A certain amount of oxidative stress is needed for adaptation to the exercise and adaptation to life. BUT, if this oxidative stress is excessive for a prolonged period, it becomes damaging to the body and potentially impacts the ageing process.

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