Spotlight on Taurine

2023-06-23T09:46:37+00:00By |Natural Remedies|

Taurine (a key ingredient in Red Bull) is a sulfur-containing amino acid that is naturally produced in the human body and found in certain foods such as meat, fish and dairy products. It has been marketed as a supplement for a variety of health benefits, including improving athletic performance as it may improve endurance and reduce muscle damage and fatigue, especially in older adults.

Spotlight on Ginkgo Biloba

2021-06-30T12:59:39+00:00By |Natural Remedies|

The Ginkgo biloba tree species has been around unchanged for about 150 million years. That’s a long time, and the fact that it has survived unchanged perhaps suggests that it has powerful internal survival mechanisms which have been perfected very early on despite changing environmental factors over this time. Specimens more than a thousand years old have been reported in China, Korea and Japan.

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