Potent nutritional aids can help to reduce pain and inflammation without the side effects of conventional medicine.
The most common medical treatment for inflammation is anti-inflammatory drugs which are effective symptom suppressors, providing pain relief, but do nothing to address the causes of the inflammation.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) work by blocking the production of the body’s inflammatory mediators, and while they are mostly very effective, they are not without side effects, especially in the gut. Extraordinarily, this class of drug is responsible for more deaths than any other. When used long term, NSAIDS such as aspirin and ibruprofen can cause gastrointestinal bleeding and can put a strain on the liver.
Studies have also shown that new anti-inflammatory drugs which inhibit important enzymes can double, or in some cases quadruple, a person’s chance of a heart attack.1 Despite this danger, in some countries the average person takes in excess of 300 doses of these painkillers a year! That’s six a week.
Luckily, there are a number of natural anti-inflammatory agents, some of which have been proven to be as effective as drugs, without the side effects.
Fish oils do not lubricate your joints, as is often believed. What they actually do is reduce pain and inflammation. They are converted in the body into beneficial anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, which counteract the inflammatory substances NSAID drugs are used to suppress. Good research now shows conclusively that fish oil supplementation can reduce the inflammation of arthritis. An effective amount to take is the equivalent of 1000 mg combined omega-3s EPA and DHA a day. Talking of fats, there’s a special blend of fatty acids called Celadrin that has proven highly effective at reducing arthritic pain in recent trials.2,3 It comes as a cream or in capsules. Like so many natural remedies, it seems to work on many different fronts, but certainly helps damaged cells in inflamed joints to heal more quickly.
Glucosamine is one of the best known non-drug treatments for joint pain. Glucosamine is an essential part of the building material for joints and the cellular ‘glue’ that holds the entire body together, although joint cartilage contains the highest concentration. The mechanism by which glucosamine appears to stop or reverse joint degeneration is by providing the body with the materials needed to build and repair cartilage. A study of individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee found that participants taking 1 500 mg of glucosamine sulphate daily had a similar reduction in symptoms to those taking 1 200 mg of ibuprofen daily. However, the glucosamine group tolerated their medicine much better.4 In addition, several studies have shown that glucosamine is equally as good as NSAIDS for easing arthritic pain and inflammation, and there are less of the stomach-irritating side effects associated with NSAIDs. Glucosamine hydrochloride appears better tolerated than the sulphateform – aim for 1000 to 2000 mg a day. It works especially well when combined with MSM.
MSM, which stands for methylsulfonylmethane, is a source of the essential mineral sulphur. Sulphur is involved in a multitude of key body functions including pain control, detoxification and tissue building. Extraordinary results have been reported for pain relief in those with arthritis who took MSM.5 One study at UCLA School of Medicine in California found that on 2 250 mg of MSM a day, patients with arthritis had an 80% improvement in pain within six weeks, compared with 20% in those who had taken dummy pills.6 MSM is available both as a balm and in capsules. The therapeutic dose appears to be 1500 to 3000 mg a day. Some people experience a worsening of symptoms in the first 10 days, then improvement.
Turmeric spice’s bright yellow pigment contains the active compound curcumin, which has a variety of powerful anti-inflammatory actions. Trials in which it was given to arthritic patients have shown it to be similarly effective to anti-inflammatory drugs, without the side-effects. On top of this, it’s a potent antioxidant. Interestingly, the most recent review of turmeric in the Journal of Clinical Immunology states that curcumin at low doses can also enhance antibody responses.7 This suggests that curcumin's reported beneficial effects in arthritis, allergies, asthma, atherosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and cancer might be due in part to its ability to modulate the immune system. The only downside is that it stains everything so take care when using it in cooking! Turmeric gives a great flavour to curries stir-fries or add a teaspoon when cooking rice. You need about 500 mg, one to three times a day (the equivalent of one heaped teaspoon or one capsule three times a day).
Boswellia serrata, also known as Indian Frankincense, is proving to be a very powerful natural anti-inflammatory agent, without the side-effects of current drugs. In one study where patients initially received boswellic acid, and then later a placebo, arthritic symptoms significantly reduced while taking the Boswellia, but then returned with a vengeance when the treatment was switched over to placebo.8 Boswellic acid appears to reduce joint swelling, restores and improves blood supply to inflamed joints, provides pain relief, increases mobility, improves morning stiffness and prevents or slows the breakdown of the components of cartilage. It works in a different way to turmeric and other ‘COX2 inhibitors’ (substances which block a particular inflammatory mediator) which is why I like to use a combination of Boswellia and a potent COX2 inhibitor such as curcumin or the hop extract IsoOxygene. Preparations of Boswellia are available in tablet and cream form – the ideal dose is 200 to 400 mg, one to three times a day; the creams are especially useful in the treatment of localised inflammation.
Olives contain an extract called hydroxytyrosol which has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. The active ingredient is a polyphenol, which has an antioxidant content over 10 times greater than vitamin C. Olives also contain a compound called oleocanthal which is chemically related to ibuprofen, although again has none of the negative side effects. In 2005 researchers at the Monell Chemical Senses Center and University of the Sciences in the US found that oleocanthal was a potent anti-inflammatory painkiller.9 Like Boswellia and turmeric, olive extract decreases the levels of pro-inflammatory substances.10 In fact one study found that the extract reduced a marker of inflammation by approximately 40%. When the extract was combined with glucosamine, this increased to a huge 87%.11 While eating olives will give you a small amount of the extract, taking a supplement of concentrated olive extract is a guaranteed way of getting enough. You need 40 to 100 mg of olivenol a day. Antioxidant nutrients help reduce inflammation, so if you’re arthritic or experience a lot of pain, eat plenty of fruit (especially berries) and vegetables, or consider supplementing with an antioxidant formula. A study in 2005 involving over 25 000 people showed that a low intake of antioxidants found in fruit and veg significantly increased the risk of arthritis.12
Quercitin is one of the most abundant antioxidants found in onions, broccoli, squash, red grapes and citrus foods. It works with vitamins C and E to protect against free-radical damage. A trial in which people with rheumatoid arthritis were treated with a vegan diet high in antioxidants including quercetin found they had decreased joint stiffness and pain as well as an improvement in self-reported health.13 Quercitin also inhibits the release of histamine, which is involved in inflammatory reactions. Take 500 mg per day, between meals.
Ashwagandha is a promising natural remedy that has been used for hundreds of years as part of Ayurvedic medicine in India. The active ingredients in this powerful anti-inflammatory herb are ‘withanolides’. In animal studies, Ashwagandha has proven highly effective against arthritis. In one study, animals with arthritis were given either Ashwagandha, hydrocortisone or placebo. While hydrocortisone produced a 44% reduction in symptoms Ashwagandha produced an 89% reduction in symptoms, making it substantially more effective.14 Although it has a good track record in Ayurvedic medicine, it has only recently come to Western medical attention and human trials are awaited with interest. The therapeutic dose depends on the concentration of withanolides. Try 300 mg twice a day of the root, providing 1.5% withanolides.
Ginger is another effective anti-inflammatory favoured by Ayurvedic medicine. It also has antioxidant properties and contains an enzyme that may have a similar action to bromelain. Supplementing ginger in one study reduced the pain and swelling of three quarters of the participants with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, while all patients with muscular discomfort experienced relief from pain.15 Taking a supplement of 500 to 2000 mg of ginger a day is ideal. Otherwise, incorporate a 2.5 cm slice of fresh ginger into your daily diet.
Bromelain is a collection of enzymes found in pineapples. Since it was first used in 1957, it has been shown to have a wide variety of medicinal properties – including the reduction of inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. There are several mechanisms by which bromelain is believed to help. Firstly, it inhibits pro-inflammatory compounds and blocks the production of kinins, compounds which increase swelling and cause pain. Secondly, it helps reduce swelling by breaking down fibrin – a mesh that forms around an inflamed area, blocking off the blood supply and impairing tissue drainage. Bromelain can be taken in supplement form: 250 to 750 mg a day in between meals.
In summary, there are natural ways to reduce inflammation without drugs that are as effective, if not more so, than conventional pain-killers with fewer side effects. However, the real answer to inflammation must involve tackling its underlying causes, rather than just treating the symptoms. It is also important to supplement with nutrients which support the rebuilding of damaged joints. This new approach to conquering inflammation is complex, like the problem itself, and is best achieved by working with a nutritional therapist who can run the necessary tests and advise you on diet and supplements for each stage of reprogramming your body. This approach is based on an understanding that inflammation and pain are the body’s ways of saying ‘Help!’ and that current diet and lifestyle factors have exceeded the body’s capacity to adapt.
Editor's note: Here is a good article on Alternative Pain Therapies: are they realistic? and we answer this question Inflammation: Friend or Foe?
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