The Lowdown on Laser Acupuncture
    The Lowdown on Laser Acupuncture

    In an interview with Dr Alex Smuts, Natural Medicine Magazine explores the benefits of and differences between acupuncture and laser acupuncture.

    Q NATURAL MEDICINE (NM): What would you say is the difference between acupuncture and laser acupuncture?

    A DR ALEX SMUTS (AS): Acupuncture is the manipulation of documented pressure points, which have varied effects on the body based on the gauge of the needle (thickness, length, quality), the way in which the needle is manipulated, the sequence of points chosen (needles are retained from 15 to 45 minutes), and the skill of the practitioner.

    Laser acupuncture does not require the same level of skill as acupuncture and can therefore be used by the layman. Practitioners of acupuncture require a highly detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology as well as training in acupuncture needling techniques to perform acupuncture.

    Ultimately the outcome of both therapies is very similar although acupuncture could be understood to regulate the normal physiological functions of the body while laser acupuncture, which uses infra-red radiances, almost acts as a nutrient to the body, due to the fact that the body is already composed of, and emits, infra-red radiances. Infra-red also has very specific, clinically documented effects on the body and therefore has predictable outcomes while acupuncture is far more variable and dependent on the skill, knowledge and experience of the practitioner.

    NM: Could you give us some more insight into when a specific method of acupuncture is more suitable?

    AS: Acupuncture on the scalp or micro-acupuncture such as on the ear, eyelids or tongue might be more effective than laser acupuncture because thinner needles can be more specific in targeting very small, localised points. Micro-acupuncture is a highly effective system in the treatment of chronic conditions, and in this case would trump the use of a laser acupuncture device whereas with regard to neurological/neuropathic (nerve-related) conditions the infra-red laser treatment would trump acupuncture. Otherwise laser acupuncture at 1000 Hz for one minute can stimulate an acupuncture point in the same way that 15 to 45 minutes of needle retention would.

    NM: In which conditions have you found the laser acupuncture to be most effective?

    AS: In my practice I utilise the Radiant Life Delta Series Coherent Multi-radiance Device (coMra) which uses radiances other than just infra-red or red, yellow and blue light therapy. It has all of these mentioned radiances as well as electro-magnetic field waves and ultrasound. Therefore, to answer your question more appropriately, first and foremost: pain. Multi-radiance therapy is magnificent in its ability to relieve pain instantaneously. By holding the device above a painful area, whether acute or chronic, due to short-term injury and inflammation or long-term blood clotting, tissue damage and poor micro-circulation, multiple coherent radiance therapy can relieve between 30 and 90% of pain after the first treatment. Additionally, it is especially effective at alleviating anxiety, depression, acute and chronic skin lesions, neuropathic conditions and chronic conditions of immune deficiency syndrome.

    NM: Was there ever a response from a patient that has taken you by surprise?

    AS: Only the first time I ever used the device on my mother who has had intermittent pain in her right forearm for about 10 years. After just 20 minutes of treatment she still hasn’t had a single recurrence of any pain in the last eight months. After that I became a devout believer in the abilities of multi-radiance therapy. Other than that, some people are sensitive enough to feel sensations along the acupuncture meridians when I stimulate certain acupoints or regions of the body with the device, which I find absolutely fascinating!

    NM: Who would you recommend the laser acupuncture device to?

    AS: Any and all medical practitioners willing to enhance the scope of their practice, but more specifically: dermatologists interested in non-invasive cosmetic methods; sports science practitioners and professional athletes; and immunologists and endocrinologists and their patients with such autoimmune or chronic infectious conditions as ALS, MS, diabetes, HIV/ AIDS, Lyme disease etc.

    NM: How has laser acupuncture enhanced your practice as a TCM practitioner?

    AS: Laser acupuncture and multi-radiance therapy have infused a whole new paradigm of healing into my practice – where health is the focus, not disease. It is easy to become pessimistic in the established world we live in today, but in order to thrive in this world we need to focus on the things that make us feel good in our bodies, minds and hearts. Every day is a new day, one where we can positively change our lives by changing the frequency we operate on, not just physically through diet and physical and energetic therapy, but mentally and emotionally as well. Light, sound, infra-red and magnetic field therapy, which are radiances that the human body is already composed of, reaffirm the truth of this philosophy to me each and every day.

    Ed’s note: The CoMra device is highlighted here in its use during acupuncture treatment, but the device is not limited to acupuncture points and meridians. It also treats the organs, blood, acts directly on damaged tissue, making it effective for pain management. Click here to read an article on Alternative Pain Therapies.

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