Wheatgrass, which pertains to the early stages of the life cycle of the important grain wheat, is probably nature’s most valuable medicine that not only nourishes, but rejuvenates, heals and cleanses our over-stressed, often over-indulged, and over-tired bodies.
Wheat, grown in the cold months, is an annual grass that originated in the Middle East. Around 28 000 B.C. it was first used as a grain, crushed and mixed with water and perhaps spread and ‘baked’ on hot rocks in the sun. Today’s internationally-grown Durum and bread wheats are a result of the hybridisation between emmer wheat and einkorn wheat – wild grasses recorded around 7 000 BC.
Early beginnings were recorded in Turkey, Mesopotamia, Egypt and Iran between 7000 and 5000 BC when wheat became a sought-after trade. The trade routes can be followed today from these countries into Europe and from there into Asia and then China. Today wheat, together with rice and maize, is one of the most valuable crops that feed the world!
We forget that our bodies can all too easily become diseased as healthy cells lose their life force and an ever-increasing downward spiral persists. This happens to too many of us as we face the killing pressures of modern-day existence.
Comfortingly, however, we can reinstate that marvellous sense of wellbeing, of coping and of managing our stress-filled lives by including this precious plant into our daily diets!
- Repair the DNA and rejuvenate the cells
- Reduce cholesterol
- Reduce the swelling and pain of arthritic and rheumatic joints
- Prevent and reduce inflammation
- Enhance stamina and endurance
- Revitalise and rejuvenate the whole body
- Improve eyesight
- Reduce hair loss
- Help you lose weight
- Clear carbon monoxide from the lungs
- Clear cystitis and yeast infections
- Reduce the distention of varicose veins
- Heal skin ailments quickly
In addition to the above you can apply the juice:
- to very dry skin and to spotty skin by adding it to a little almond oil, to reduce the dryness and clear up spots
- directly and frequently to athlete’s foot, itchy inflamed mosquito bites, insect bites and itchy hot rashes
Always consult a doctor before starting a home treatment as the information here is in no way intended to replace the doctor’s advice or any medication you are on.
I have become so dedicated to the wonders of wheat grass that I have spent many years in the growing of it. I first started in my own fields as a farmer’s wife where I reaped my own wheat and transported it to a nearby mill, where the millers kindly and patiently allowed my organically-grown wheat to be put through the mill on its own! I baked my farmer’s loaves from it every day and no one had any allergies to it and life was good.
Only later did I learn of gluten intolerance and yeast intolerance, and the allergies that beset so many of us. If you are allergic to wheat, wheat grass will not cause those same allergies as, young and tender, it has no gluten and in all my experience it has not revealed any allergic reactions or intolerances. My journey of finding organically grown wheat seed continues to this day.
Every three days, winter and summer, I sow trays, tubs and window boxes of wheat seed. It is dead easy! Fill the trays and tubs with organic compost. Moisten well, sprinkle quite thickly with wheat seeds, cover with a light layer of compost and keep moist.
Once the little seeds start popping through the compost – usually in about three days – you can pull them up and wash them carefully and eat them as sprouts, but I leave them to mature into luscious blades of grass.
Once the shoots reach about 10 cm in height you can start cutting them off at the very base for juicing. Ideally cut the grass between 10 and 16 cm in height when it is vividly green.
The grass will continue to grow even after it has been cut, and you can often get a second cutting off the same seedlings.
The grass needs at least three hours of sunlight a day to produce the chlorophyll we need, so place the trays appropriately. Remember to water daily – it needs lots of water. Once the grass reaches around 18 to 20 cm in height and flops over and turns yellow, dump it onto the compost heap.
Sow a row or scatter wheat seed over deeply-dug and richly-composted soil in full sun. Cover with a light layer of compost or if it is a big area, rake it in. I always scatter a light layer of leaves over it to keep the birds away. Keep it well watered in the early days and once it is well established water once a week.
Our favourite drink (serves one)
2 cups of fresh wheat grass
2 small or medium beetroots peeled or scrubbed
2 medium carrots peeled or scrubbed
1 large apple or 2 small apples peeled
2 to 3 sticks celery and their leaves
1 cup fresh parsley
1 to 2 cups fresh pineapple pieces for a change, or add fresh lucerne or red clover – about 1 cup of each
Push all the ingredients through the juicer and drink immediately. If you are rushed, store the juice in a glass bottle with a screw top for a day – but it is preferable to drink it as fresh as possible.
Organically grown wheat grass is now considered a superfood and its consumption carries many health benefits.
Wheat grass has:
- A high chlorophyll content that acts as a health builder as the green cells absorb the sun thereby creating a concentrated sun power tonic. The chlorophyll also detoxifies the body by removing heavy metals, insecticides, pesticides and fatty deposits. It tones and revitalises veins and arteries, as well as relieving the liver of waste, drugs, chemicals from food preservatives, additives, stabilisers and bacteria
- Outstanding immune enhancing properties because it is rich in carotenoids, such as alpha-carotene and beta-carotene
- An abundance of the form of vitamin E known as A-tocopherol that stimulates the production of antibodies and suppresses the growth of cancer cells in the early stages
- About 90 of a possible 102 minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, zinc and sulphur
- Vitamins B-complex, C, E, K and the rare Vitamin U
- Over 80 enzymes
- Seventeen amino acids
- Valuable antioxidant super oxide dismutase (SOD) which inhibits the activity of free radicals
- Antiviral and antibacterial properties
- The ability to loosen and eliminate phlegm
- You can cut your outdoors wheat for juicing and your dogs will love eating it too!
- I grow rows of wheat for my own organic wheat seed and love picking green and golden wheat for the vase.
- For a real show stopper try growing red Flanders poppies and chamomile with the wheat – I interplant rows and sow the seeds of all three together. They are the best winter companions and their spring beauty is breathtaking!
Use a juice extractor that has a spiral masticating action such as the Oscar juicer. Ordinary juicers don’t have the twisting action needed to extract the juice from grasses like wheat grass and barley grass, and oats. The juicer also crushes the vegetables beautifully with the wheat grass. We press them all in together.
It’s worth growing the celery, parsley, red clover and lucerne at the kitchen door for speedy action!
Just a couple of carrots pushed through the juicer with 2 to 3 cups of wheat grass leaves are a quick pick-me-up when you’re in a rush.
Starting with ‘neat’ wheat grass juice is often a shock to the system. Start with a few sips a day, gradually building them up, or add a carrot and an apple as you extract the wheat grass juice. This makes it much more palatable.
No matter your age or your condition, no matter how ill or depressed you are, wheat grass juice will ease and heal the condition. I have proved this over and over again.
Sprouts are delicious in salads, with cold meats, avocado, stir fries and sprinkled into soups as you serve them.
To grow the sprouts, line a stainless steel tray or a lasagne dish with cotton wool and wet it thoroughly. Soak a cup or two of wheat seeds in warm water overnight. Next morning drain and sprinkle all over the wet cotton wool. Maintain the moisture and spritz spray the wheat seeds with water often. Once the seeds have sprouted tiny green shoots they are ready to eat. Enjoy!
Wheat grass research and documentation is increasing daily. By including this super food in our daily diets we find more energy, brain power and so positive an outlook that we literally cannot do without it!
Editor's note: See the wheatgrass juicing article bu Jason Vale: The Wonders of Wheatgrass!
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